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The Consecration

The priest points towards the paten and the chalice together and says

These, Thine honored oblations which we have set forth before Thee; this bread and this cup.

Naidwron `ntak ettaihout> `eter]orp `nxh `e`'rhi `mpek`mqo> paiwik nem pai`avot.

قرابينك هذه المكرمة المبدوء بوضعها أمامك. هذا الخبز وهذه الكأس.

For Thine Only-Begotten Son our Lord, God, Savior and King of us all, Jesus Christ.

Je `nqof pekmonogenhc `n}hri> Pen_ ouo\ Pennou; ouo\ Pencwthr ouo\ Penouro thren Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc.

لأن إبنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا ومحلصنا وملكنا كلنا يسوع المسيح.

The deacon holds up the censer and the priest adds one scoop of incese while holding the spoon with a corporal. Then the priest puts down the corporals and censes his hands over the censer three times in preparation to hold the bread. The priest removes his hands from over the censer and says

On the night that He surrendered Himself to suffer for our sins.

"en pi`ejwr\ `etefnathif `n'htf> `e]ep`mka\ `e`\rhi `ejen nennobi.

فى الليلة التى أسلم ذاته فيها ليتألم عن خطايانا.

And underwent death of His own accord for us all.

Nem pimou `etaf]opf `erof `ebol\itotf> 'en pefouw] `mmin `mmof `e`\rhi `ejwn thren.

والموت الذى قبله بذاته بإرادته وحده عنّا كلنا.


We believe.



The priest holds the bread with his hands and says

He took bread into His holy, spotless, unblemished, blessed and life-giving hands.

Afsi `nouwik `ejen nefjij `eqouab> `natasni ouo\ `natqwleb> ouo\ `mmakarion> ouo\ `nreftan'o.

أخذ خبزاً على يديه الطاهرتين اللتين بلا عيب ولا دنس. الطوباويتين المحييتين.


We believe that this is true. Amen.

Tenna\; je vai pe 'en oumeqmhi> `amhn.

نؤمن أن هذا هو بالحقيقة. آمين.

The priest looks upward and says

He looked up towards heaven to Thee, O God, who art His Father and Master of everyone.

Afjou]t `e`p]wi `e`tve> \arok vh`ete vwf `niwt V;> ouo\ `vnhb `nte ouon niben.

ونظر إلى فوق إلى السماء نحوك يا الله أباه وسيد كل أحدٍ.

The priest signs the bread three times. In the first time, he says

He gave thanks.



Deacon and Congregation




In the second time, he says

He blessed it.

Af`cmou `erof.


Deacon and Congregation




In the third time, he says

And he sanctified it.

Afer`agi`azin `mmof.


Deacon and Congregation




Then the congregation continues

We believe, we confess, and we glorify.

Picteuomen ke `omolgoumen ke do[azomen.

نؤمن ونعترف ونمجد.

The priest breaks the bread into one third and two thirds without splitting it and without cracking the middle bodikin. The one third will be near his right and the other part will be near his left hand. Meanwhile, he says

He broke it, gave it to his own holy disciples and saintly apostles saying:

Afva]f afthif `nnh`ete nouf ettaihout `n`agioc `mmaqhthc> ouo\ `n`apoctoloc `eqouab efjw `mmoc.

وقسمه وأعطاه لتلاميذه الكرام القديسين ورسله الأطهار قائلاً.

“Take, eat of it all of you. For this is My Body.”

Je si ouwm `ebol`n'htf throu> vai gar pe pacwma.

خذوا كلوا منه كلكم لأن هذا هو جسدى.

The priest slightly splits the bread from top without separating the parts and puts it in the paten. He cleanses his hands from any pieces of bread that could have stuck to them, and then kisses the bread. Meanwhile, he says

“Which shall be broken for you and for many, to be given for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me.”

Etounava]f `ejen qhnou nem \anlemh]> `ncethif `e`pxw `ebol `nte ninobi> vai `aritf `epaer`vmeu`i.

الذى يقسم عنكم وعن كثيرين. يعطى لمغفرة الخطايا. هذا أصنعوه لذكرى.


This is true. Amen.

Vai pe 'en oumeqmhi> `amhn.

هذا هو بالحقيقة. آمين.

The priest puts his hand at the edge of the chalice and says

Likewise also the cup after supper He mixed it of wine and water.

Pairh; on pike`avot menenca pidipnon> afqotf `ebol'en ouhrp nem oumwou.

وهكذا ايضاً الكأس بعد العشاء مزجها من ثمرة الكرمة وماء.

The priest signs the chalice three times. In the first time, he says

He gave thanks.



Deacon and Congregation




In the second time, he says

He blessed it.

Af`cmou `erof.


Deacon and Congregation




In the third time, he says

And he sanctified it.

Afer`agi`azin `mmof.


Deacon and Congregation




Then the congregation continues

Again, we believe, we confess, and we glorify.

Ke palin picteuomen ke `omolgoumen ke do[azomen.

وايضاً نؤمن ونعترف ونمجد.

The priest holds the brim of the chalice and says

He tasted, and gave it also to His own holy disciples and saintly apostles saying:

Afjem;pi afthif on `nnh`ete nouf ettaihout `n`agioc `mmaqhthc> ouo\ `n`apoctoloc `eqouab efjw `mmoc.

وذاق وأعطاها أيضاً لتلاميذه الكرام القديسين ورسله الأطهار قائلاً.

The priest makes the sign of the cross with the chalice by slightly tilting it towards the west, east, north and south, and says

“Take, drink of it all of you.”

Je si cw `ebol `n'htf throu.

خذوا اشربوا منه كلكم.

The priest puts down the chalice, points towards it and says

“For this is my Blood for the new covenant which shall be shed for you and many, to be given for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me.”

Vai gar pe pa`cnof `nte ;di`aqhkh `mberi> `etounavonf `ebol `ejen qhnou nem \ankemh]> `ncethif `e`pxw `ebol `nte ninobi> vai `aritf `epaer`vmeu`i.

لأن هذا هو دمى الذى للعهد الجديد. الذى يسفك عنكم وعن كثيرين. يعطى لمغفرة الخطايا. هذا اصنعوه لذكرى.


This is also true. Amen.

Vai on pe 'en oumeqmhi> `amhn.

وهذا هو ايضاً بالحقيقة. آمين.

The priest points towards the bread and says

For every time you shall eat of this bread

Cop gar niben `etetennaouwm `ebol'en paiwik vai.

لأن كل مرة تأكلون من هذا الخبز.

Then the priest points towards the chalice and says

And drink of this cup,

Ouo\ `ntetencw `ebol'en pai `avot vai.

وتشربون من هذه الكأس.

Then the priest continues

You proclaim my death, confess my resurrection and remember me till I come.

~Ereten\iwi] `mpamou> `eretener`omologin `nta`anactacic> `ereten`iri `mpameu`i ]a;`i.

تبشرون بموتى وتعترفون بقيامتى وتذكرونى إلى أن أجئ.


Amen. Amen. Amen. Thy death, O Lord, we proclaim. Thine Holy resurrection and ascension, we confess.

~Amhn `amhn `amhn ton qanaton cou Kuri`e kataggellomen> ke thn `agian cou `anactacin ke thn `analhyin cou `nthc ouranic cou `omologoumen.

حقاً حقاً حقاً بموتك يارب نبشر وبقيامتك المقدسة وصعودك إلى السموات نعترف.

We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we thank Thee, O Lord, and we entreat Thee, O our God.

Ce `enoumen ce eulogoumen ci euxarictoumen Kuri`e> ke de`omeqa cou `o Qeoc `hmwn.

نسبحك نباركك نشكرك يارب ونتضرع إليك يا إلهنا.


And now O God the Father the Pantocrator as we proclaim the death of Thine Only-Begotten Son, our Lord, God, Savior, and King of us all, Jesus Christ.

:nou oun V; ~Viwt pipantokratwr> en\iwi] `m`vmou `mpekmonogenhc `n}hri Pen_ ouo\ Pennou; ouo\ Pencwthr ouo\ Penouro thren Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc.

فالآن يا الله الآب ضابط الكل فيما نحن نشر بموت إبنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا ومحلصنا وملكنا كلنا يسوع المسيح.

And confess His holy resurrection and His ascension into the heavens and His sitting at Thy right hand, O Father.

Ener`omologin `ntef`anactacic `eqouab> nem pefjin]e `e`p]wi `enivhou`i> nem pefjin\emci catekou`inam ~Viwt.

نعترف بقيامته المقدسة وصعوده إلى السموات وجلوسه عن يمينك أيها الآب.

And we await His second coming fearful and full of glory at the end of this age.

Enjou]t `ebol'a `t\h `ntefma\`cnou; `mparouci`a> eqnhou `ebol'en nivhou`i> etoi `n\o; ouo\ eqme\ `n`wou> 'en ;cunteli`a `nte pai`ewn.

وننتظر ظهوره الثانى الآتى من السموات المخوف. المملوء مجداً فى إنقضاء هذا الدهر.

That in which He will come to justly judge the world.

Qai `etefnhou `n'htc `e;\ap `e;oikoumenh 'en oumeqmhi.

هذا الذى يأتى فيه ليدين المسكونة بالعدل.

And reward each one according to his deeds, whether good or evil.

Nem `e; `mpiouai piouai kata nef`\bhou`i> `ite oupeqnanef `ite oupet\wou.

ويعطى كل واحد كأعماله. إن كان خيراً وإن كان شراً.


According to Thy mercy, O Lord, and not according to our sins.

Kata to `eleoc cou Kuri`e> ke mh kata tac `amartiac `hmwn.

كرحمتك يا رب ولا كخطايانا.


Thou art He before whose holy Glory, we set these oblations out of that which is Thine, O Our Holy Father.

~Nqok pe `etanxw `mpe`mqo `mpek`wou `eqouab> `nnh`etenouk `ndwron `ebol'en nh`ete noul Peniwt `eqouab.

انت الذى وضعنا أمام مجدك القدوس قرابينك مما لك يا أبانا القدوس.


Worship God in fear.

Klinate Qe`w meta vobou.

إسجدوا لله بخوف.

The priest says inaudibly

We ask and entreat Thy Goodness O Lover of Mankind.

Ten;\o ouo\ tentwb\ `ntekmet`agaqoc pimairwmi.

نسأل ونطلب من صلاحك يا محب البشر.

Put us not to everlasting shame. Do not cast us away, we Thy servants.

~Mper;]ipi nan 'en pi]ipi `n`ene\> oude `mper\iten `ebol 'a nek`ebiaik.

لا تخزنا بالخزى الأبدى. ولاتطرحنا نحن عبيدك.

Turn us not away from Thy face. Do not say to us, "I know you not."

~Mperberbwrten `ebol\a pek\o> oude `mperjoc nan je ;cwoun `mmwten an.

ولا تصرفنا عن وجهك. ولا تقل لنا أننى لست أعرفكم.

But give water to our heads, and springs of flowing tears to our eyes.

Alla moi `noumwou `nnen`avhou`i> nem \anmoumi `nermh `nnenbal.

بل أعط ماء لرؤوسنا. وينابيع دموع لأعيننا.

That we may weep day and night before Thee for our transgressions.

|opwc `ntenrimi `mpi`e\oou nem pi`ejwr\ `mpek`mqo `e`\rhi `ejen nenparaptwma.

لكى نبكى نهاراً وليلاً أمامك على زلاتنا.

For we are Thy people, and the sheep of Thy flock.

Je `anon pe peklaoc nem ni`ecwou `nte pek`o\i.

لأننا نحن شعبك وخراف قطيعك.

Overlook our iniquities and forgive our trespasses.

Cini `nnen`anomi`a `aricunxwrin `nnenparaptwma.

تجاوز عن آثامنا. واصفح عن زلاتنا.

Those which we have committed willfully and those which we have committed unwillfully, those which we have committed knowingly and which we have done unknowingly, the hidden and the manifest.

Nh`etanaitou 'en penouw]> nem nh`etanaitou 'en penouw] an> nh`etanaitou 'en ou`emi> nem nh`etanaitou 'en oumetat`emi> nhet\hp nem nheqouwn\ `ebol.

التى صنعناها بمشيئتنا والتى صنعناها وبغير مشيئتنا. التى صنعناها بعلم والتى صنعناها بغير علم. الخفية والظاهرة.

Those which we have formerly exposed, and those which we have forgotten.

Nh`etauer]orp `nouon\ou `ebol nem nh`etanwb] `erwou.

التى سُبق بإظهارها والتى نسيناها.

Those which Thine Holy Name knows.

Nai `etefcwoun `mmwou `nje pekran `eqouab.

هذه التى يعرفها إسمك القدوس.

Hear, O Lord, the prayer of Thy people, attend to the sighs of Thy servants.

Cwtem ~P_ `e`ptwb\ `nte peklaoc> ma`\qhk `e`pfi`a\om `nte nek`ebiaik.

إسمع يا رب طلبة شعبك. وإلتفت إلى تنهد عبيدك.

And because of my own sins and the abomination of my heart, deprive not Thy people of the coming down of Thine Holy Spirit.

Ouo\ eqbe nanobi nou`i nem nicwf `nte pa\ht> `mperfej peklaoc `m`pjin`i `e`'rhi `nte Pek`pneuma `eqouab.

ومن أجل خطاياى خاصة ونجاسات قلبى لا تحرم شعبك حلول روحك القدوس.


Have mercy upon us, O God, the Father, the Pantocrator.

~Ele`hcon `hmac `o Qeoc `o Pathr `o pantokratwr.

إرحمنا يا الله الآب ضابط الكل.

The priest wraps his right hand with a corporal, points towards the congregation without signing and says

For Thy people and Thy church ask Thee saying: Have mercy upon us, O God, the Father the Pantocrator.

Peklaoc gar nem tekek`klhci`a cetwb\ `mmok eujw `mmoc> je nai nan V; ~Viwt pi pantokratwr.

لأن شعبك وبيعتك يطلبون إليك قائلين. إرحمنا يا الله الآب ضابط الكل.


Worship God the Father the Pantocrator.

Ouw]t `mV; ~Viwt pipantokratwr.

إسجدوا لله الآب ضابط الكل.

The priest says inaudibly

And send down from Thine holy height, from Thy well prepared dwelling place, and from Thine unbounded bosom, from the throne of Thy kingdom of glory.

Ouo\ ouwrp `epecht `ebol'en peksici `eqouab> nem `ebol'en pekma`n]wpi etcebtwt> `ebol'en piat]orfc `e'oun `ekenf `ntak> `ebol'en pi`qronoc `nte `qmetouro `moek`wou.

وأرسل إلى أسفل من علوك المقدس ومن مسكنك المستعد. ومن حضنك غير المحصور. ومن كرسى مملكة مجدك.

The Paraclete, Thine Holy Spirit. The hypostasis.

~Nqof piparaklhtoc Pek`pneuma `eqouab vhet]op 'en ou\upoctacic.

البارقليط روحك القدوس. الكائن بالأقنوم.

The unalterable and unchangeable, the Lord, the Life-Giver.

Piatvwn\ piat]ib;> vhetoi `n_ pireftan'o.

غير المستحيل ولا متغير. الرب المحيى.

Who spoke through the Law, the prophets, and the apostles.

Vh`etafcaji 'en pinomoc nem ni`provhthc nem ni`apoctoloc.

الناطق فى الناموس والأنبياء والرسل.

Who is in every place, Who fills every place, and yet no place can contain.

Vhet]op 'en mai niben> ouo\ eqmo\ `mmai niben> ouo\ `mmon ma ]wp `mmof.

الحال فى كل مكان. المالىء كل مكان ولا يحويه مكان.

Who grants holiness, with authority, according to Thy goodwill and not as a servant to those He loves.

Ouo\ efer`energin audo[oucioc 'en pek;ma; `mpitoubo `e`\rhi `ejen nh`etefou`a]ou> kata oumetref]em]i an.

الفاعل بسلطة مسرتك الطهر على الذين أحبهم وليس كالخادم.

The simple in His nature, and plentiful in deeds, the source of divine graces.

Piaploun 'en tefvucic> vhetoi `nouqo `nrh; 'en tef`energi`a> ;moumi `nte ni`\mot `nnou;.

البسيط فى طبيعته الكثير الأنواع فى فعله. ينبوع النعم الإلهية.

Who is one in essence with Thee, and proceeds from Thee.

Vhetoi `n`omooucioc nemak> vheqnhou `ebol`n'htk.

المساوى لك. المنبثق منك.

Who shares the throne of Thy kingdom of glory with Thine Only Begotten Son, our Lord, God, and Savior and King of us all, Jesus Christ.

Pi`]vhr `n`qronoc `nte `qmetouro `mpek`wou> nem pekmonogenhc `n}hri Pen_ ouo\ Pennou; ouo\ Pencwthr ouo\ Penouro thren Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc.

شريك كرسى مملكة مجدك. وإبنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا ومخلصنا وملكنا كلنا يسوع المسيح.

Upon us, Thy servants, and upon these honored gifts which art Thine, which we have placed before Thee.

E`\rhi `ejwn 'a nek`ebiaik> nem `ejen naidwron `ntak ettaihout> `eter]orp `nxh `e`'rhi `mpek`mqo.

علينا نحن عبيدك وعلى هذه القرابين التى لك المكرمة السابق وضعها أمامك.

The priest points to the body and blood and continues

Upon this bread and this cup that they may be purified and transformed.

~Ejen paiwik vai nem `ejen pai`avot vai> \ina `ntoutoubo ouo\ `ntouou`wteb.

على هذا الخبز وعلى هذه الكأس. لكى يتطهرا وينتقلا.


Let us attend. Amen.

Procxwmen> `amhn.

ننصت. آمين.





The priest signs the bread three times with the sign of the cross and cries aloud

And this bread He makes into the Holy Body of Christ.

Ouo\ paiwik men `ntefaif `ncwma `efouab `nte Pi`xrictoc.

وهذا الخبز يجعله جسداً مقدساً للمسيح.





The priest signs the cup three times with sign of the cross and says

And this cup also into the precious Blood of His new covenant.

Ouo\ pai`avot de on `n`cnof ettaihout `nte ;di`aqhkh `mberi `ntaf.

وهذه الكأس أيضاً دماً كريماً للعهد الجديد الذى له.





The priest says inaudibly

Our Lord, God, Savior, and King of us all, Jesus Christ.

Pen_ ouo\ Pennou; ouo\ Pencwthr ouo\ Penouro thren Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc.

ربنا وإلهنا ومخلصنا وملكنا كلنا. يسوع المسيح.





The priest says the supplication and the congregation says "Lord have mercy" after each sentence

That they may be to all of us who partake of them.

|ina `ntou]wpi nan throu 'a nheqnasi `ebol `mmwou.

لكى يكونا لنا جميعاً نحن الآخذين منهما.

Indisputable faith.

Eouna\; `nat'ot'et.

إيماناً بغير فحص.

Love unfeigned.

Eou`agaph `natmet]obi.

ومحبة بغير رياء.

Perfect endurance.

Eou\upomonh ecjhk `ebol.

وصبراً كاملاً.

Firm hope.

Eou\elpic ectajrhout.

ورجاء ثابتاً.

Faith and watchfulness.

Eouna\;> `eourwic.

وإيماناً ويقظة.

Healing and joy.

Eoutoujo> `eouounof.

وعافية وفرحاً.

Renewal of the soul, body and spirit.

Eoumetberi `nte ;yuxh nem picwma nem pi`pneuma.

وتجديداً للنفس والجسد والروح.

And glory to Thine Holy Name.

Eou`wou `mpekran `eqouab.

ومجداً لإسمك القدوس.

Fellowship in eternal life, immortality.

Eoumet`]vhr `nte oumetmakarioc `nte ouwn' `n`ene\ nem oumetattako.

ومشاركة سعادة الحياة الأبدية وعدم الفساد.

And remission of sins.

Eouxw `ebol `nte ninobi.

وغفراناً للخطايا.

Then the priest continues

Loose those who are bound.

Bwl `nnhetcwn\ `ebol.

حل المربوطين.

Rescue those in affliction.

No\em `nnhet 'en ni`anagkh.

خلص الذين فى الشدائد.

Feed the hungry.

Nhet\oker ma`tci`wou.

الجياع أشبعهم.

Comfort the faint-hearted.

Nhetoi `nkouji `n\ht manom; nwou.

صغيرى القلوب عزهم.

Raise the fallen.

Nh`etau\ei mata\wou `eratou.

الساقطين أقمهم.

The standing confirm them.

Nhet`o\i `eratou matajrwou.

القيام ثبتهم.

Turn back the wanderers.

Nh`etaucwrem matacqwou.

الضالين رُدهم.

Lead them all to the way of Thy salvation.

Anitou throu `e'oun `e`vmwit `nte pekoujai.

أدخلهم جميعاً إلى طريق خلاصك.

Count them among Thy people.

Opou nem peklaoc.

عدّهم مع شعبك.

And we also save us from our sins.

Anon de \wn cotten `ebol'en nennobi.

ونحن أيضاً إنقذنا من خطايانا.

Be our guardian and protector in everything.

Ekoi `nrefrwic nem ref`ckepi `ejwn kata \wb niben.

كن حارساً وساتراً علينا فى كل شئ.


Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Kuri`e `ele`hcon. Kuri`e `ele`hcon. Kuri`e `ele`hcon.

يا رب ارحم، يا رب ارحم، يا رب ارحم.