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Offering of the Incense

After the prayer of the incense, the priest says the three short prayers of the peace, fathers and congregation while proceeding around the altar three times. The deacon holds the gospel and the cross, and moves with the priest on the other side of the altar facing him. Before the first round, the priest stands on the west side of the altar facing the east and says

We ask Thee, O our Master.

Ouo\ ten;\o `erok pennhb.

نسألك يا سيدنا.

The priest starts with the prayer of the peace and says

Remember, O Lord, the peace of Thine One, Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Ari`vmeu`i ~P_ `n;\irhnh `nte tekou`i `mmauatc `eqouab> `nkaqolikh `n`apoctolikh `nek`klhci`a.

أذكر يا رب سلام كنيستك الواحدة الوحيدة المقدسة الجامعة الرسولية.


Pray for the peace of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church of God.

Proceu[acqe `uper thc `irhnhc> thc `agiac monhc kaqolikhc ke `apoctolikhc> orqodo[ou tou Qeou ek`klhciac.

صلوا من أجل سلام الواحدة المقدسة الجامعة الرسولية الأرثوذكسية كنيسة الله.

The priest kisses the altar, proceeds to its northern side and says

That which exists from one end of the world to the other.

Qai et]op icjen aurhjc `n;oikoumenj ]a aurhjc.

هذه الكائنة من أقصى المسكونة إلى أقصاها.

The deacon proceeds with the priest on the side of the altar. The priest proceeds around the altar to its east side facing the west and says

Remember, O Lord, our patriarch, the honoured father, the high priest (…)

Ari`vmeu`i ~P_ `mpenpa triarxhc> `niwt ettaihout `narxh`ereuc abba (...).

أذكر يا رب بطريركنا الأب المكرم رئيس الكهنة البابا الأنبا (...).


Pray for our high priest, Papa Abba (…) Pope and patriarch, and archbishop of the great city of Alexandria, and for our Orthodox bishops.

Proceu[acqe `uper tou arxierewc `hmwn papa abba (...)> papa ke patriarxou ke arxh`epickopou> tic megalo polewc Ale[an`driac> ketwn orqodo[wn `hmwn `epickopwn.

صلوا من أجل رئيس كهنتنا البابا الأنبا (...) بابا وبطريرك ورئيس أساقفة المدينة العظمى الإسكندرية وسائر أساقفتنا الأرثوذكسيين.


In keeping keep him unto us for many years and peaceful times.

"en ou`are\ `are\ `erof nan `n\anmh] `nrompi nem \anchou `n\irhnikon.

حفظا احفظه لنا سنين كثيرة وأزمنة سالمة.

The priest proceeds around the altar to the west side facing the east and says

Remember, O Lord, our congregations bless them.

Ari`vmeu`i ~P_ `nnenjinqwou; `cmou `erwou.

أذكر يا رب اجتماعاتنا باركها.


Pray for this holy church and for our congregations.

Proceu[acqe `uper thc `agiac ekklhciac tauthc ke twn cun`eleucewn `hmwn.

صلوا من أجل هذه الكنيسة المقدسة واجتماعاتنا.


Grant that they may be unto us without obstacle or hindrance, that we may hold them according to Thine holy and blessed will.

Mhic eqrou]wpi nan `naterkwlin `natta\no> eqrenaitou kata pekouw] `eqouab ouo\ `mmakarion.

أعط أن تكون لنا بغير مانع ولا عائق لنصنعها كمشيئتك المقدسة الطوباوية.

The priest moves to the east side of the altar facing the west and says

Houses of prayer, houses of purity, houses of blessing: grant them unto us, O Lord, and Thy servants who shall come after us forever.

|anhi `neuxh> \anhi `ntoubo> \anhi `n`cmou> `arixarizecqe `mmwou nan ~P_ nem nek`ebiaik eqnhou menencwn ]a `ene\.

بيوت صلاة، بيوت طهارة، بيوت بركة. أنعم بها يا رب علينا ةعلى عبيدك الآتين بعدنا إلى الأبد.

The priest moves to the west side of the altar facing the east and says

Arise, O Lord God. Let all Thine enemies be scattered, and let all that hate Thine Holy Name flee before Thy face.

Twnk ~P_ V;> maroujwr `ebol `nje nekjaji throu> marouvwt `ebol 'a`t\h `mpek\o> `nje ouon niben eqmoc; `mpekran `eqouab.

قم أيها الرب الإله وليتفرق جميع أعدائك وليهرب من قدام وجهك كل مبغضى إسمك القدوس.

The priest moves to the east side of the altar facing the west and says

But let Thy people be in blessing; thousands of thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand doing Thy will.

Peklaoc demaref]wpi 'en pi`cmou> `e\anan]o `n]o nem \an`qba `n`qba eu`iri `mpekouw].

وأما شعبك فليكن بالبركة الوف الوف وربوات ربوات يصنعون ارادتك.

The deacon steps down from the sanctuary while the priest moves to the west side of the altar facing the east. The priest says

By the grace …

"en pi`\mot ...

بالنعمة والرأفات ...

After the third round, the priest kisses the altar or bows his on top of it. Then he steps down from the altar facing the east. If the congregation have finished chanting the Verses of Cymbals, the priest continues with the Long Prayers shown later. If not, the priest offers incense three times towards the east while bowing his head every time. In the first time, he says

We worship Thee, O Christ, with Thy Good Father and the Holy Spirit, for Thou hast come and saved us.

Tenouw]t `mmok `w Px/c/> nem Pekiwt `n`agaqoc> nem Pipneuma `eqouab> je ak`i akcw; `mmon.

نسجد لك أيها المسيح مع أبيك الصالح والروح القدس لأنك أتيت وخلصتنا.

In the second time, he says

And I, for Thy great mercy, enter Thine house, and bow towards Thine holy sanctuary.

~Anok de kata `p`a]ai `nte peknai ei`e`i `e'oun `epekhi> ouo\ ei`eouw]t na\ren pekervei e/q/u/.

وأنا مثل كثرة رحمتك أدخل بيتك وأسجد نحو هيكلك المقدس.

In the third time, he says

Before the angels, I sing to Thee and bow towards Thine holy sanctuary.

~Mpe`mqo `nniaggeloc ;naeryalin `erok> ouo\ ;naouw]t na\ren pekervei e/q/u/.

أمام الملائكة أرتل لك وأسجد نحو هيكلك المقدس.

Then the priest offers incense towards the north for the holy virgin and says

We give you the peace with Gabriel the angel saying: Hail to you, O full of blessing, God be with you.

Ten; ne `mpixereticmoc> nem Gabrihl piaggeloc> je xere kexaritwmenh> `o Kurioc meta cou.

نعطيك السلام مع جبرائيل الملاك قائلين: السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة، الرب معك.

The priest may offer the incense three times for the holy virgin. In the first time, he says

Hail to you, O virgin, the beautiful dove, the brought forth unto us, God the Logos.

Xere ne Mari`a> ;`srompi eqnecwc> qh`etacmici nan> `mV; pilogoc.

السلام لك يا مريم الحمامة الحسنة التى ولدت لنا الله الكلمة.

We give you the peace with Gabriel the angel saying: Hail to you, O full of blessing, God be with you.

Ten; ne `mpixereticmoc> nem Gabrihl piaggeloc> je xere kexaritwmenh> `o Kurioc meta cou.

نعطيك السلام مع جبرائيل الملاك قائلين: السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة، الرب معك.

In the second time, he says

Hail to you, O Virgin, the very and true queen. Hail to the pride of our race, who has borne to us Emmanuel.

Xere ne `w ;parqenoc> ;ourw `mmhi `n`alhqinh> xere `p]ou]ou `nte pengenoc> `are`jvo nan `nEmmanouhl.

السلام لك أيتها العذراء الملكة الحقيقية الحقانية السلام لفخر جنسنا ولدت لنا عمانوئيل.

In the third time, he says

We ask you, remember us, O our faithful advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

Ten;\o `aripenmeu`i> `w ;`proctathc `eten\ot> na\ren Pen_ Ih/c/ Px/c/> `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

نسأل أذكرينا أيتها الشفيعة الأمينة أمام ربنا يسوع المسيح ليغفر لنا خطايانا.

Then he offers incense towards the west and says

Hail to the choir of the angels, our fathers the prophets, the martyrs and all the saints.

Xere `pxoroc `nte niaggeloc> nem na_ `nio; `n`apoctoloc> nem `pxoroc `nte nimarturoc> nem nheqouab throu.

السلام لمصاف الملائكة وسادتى الآباء الرسل وصفوف الشهداء وجميع القديسين.

Then he offers incense towards the south and says

Hail to John son of Zechariah. Hail to monk son of the monk.

Xere Iw/a/ ~P]hri `nZaxariac> xere piouhb ~P]hri `mpiouhb.

السلام ليوحنا ابن زكريا. السلام للكاهن ابن الكاهن.

Then he offers incense towards the east and says

We worship our Saviour, Lover of mankind, the Good, for He had compassion on us, came and saved us.

Marenouw]t `mpencwthr> pimairwmi `n`agaqoc> je `nqof af]en\ht 'aron> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon.

فلنسجد لمخلصنا محب البشر الصالح، لأنه تراءف علينا، أتى وخلصنا.