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The Hymn of the Censer

Meanwhile, the congregation says

This censer of pure gold, bearing the aroma, is in the hands of Aaron the priest, offering up incense upon the altar.

Tai ]ourh `nnoub `nkaqaroc> etfai 'a pi`arwmata> et 'en nenjij `nA`arwn piouhb> eftale ou`cqoinoufi `e`p]wi `ejen pima`ner]wou]i.

هذه المجمرة الذهب النقى الحاملة العنبر التى فى يدى هرون الكاهن يرفع بخوراً على المذبح.

In the event of the Feast of the Cross, and the ninth hour of the Good Friday, the congregation says

The golden censer is the Virgin. Her aroma is our Saviour. She gave birth to Him. He saved us and forgave us our sins.

:]ourh `nnoub te ;parqenoc> pec`arwmata pe pencwthr> acmici `mmof afcw; `mmon> afxa nennobi nan `ebol.

المجمرة الذهب هى العذراء. وعنبرها هو مخلصنا. ولدته وخلصنا وغفر لنا خطايانا.

During the great lent, the congregation says

You are the censer of pure gold, bearing the blessed ember.

~Nqo te ;]ourh> `nnoub `nkaqaroc> etfai 'a pijebc> `n`xrwm et`cmarwout.

أنت هى المجمرة الذهب النقى الحاملة جمر النار المبارك.