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Let those who read recite the names of our holy fathers, the patriarchs, who have fallen asleep. O Lord, repose their souls, and forgive us our sins.

Nhetw] maroutaou`o `nniran `nte nenio; `eqouab `mpatriarxhc `etauenkot> ~P_ ma`mton `nnouyuxh throu ouo\ `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

القارئون فليقولوا أسماء آبائنا البطاركة القديسين الذين رقدوا. الرب ينيح نفوسهم أجمعين. ويغفر لنا خطايانا.

The priest says inaudibly

Remember, O Lord, all those who have fallen asleep and reposed in the priesthood and in the order of laity.

Ari`vmeu`i de on ~P_ `nnh throu `etauenkot au`mton `mmwou> 'en oumetouhb> nem nhet 'en `ptagma thrf `nte nila`ikoc.

أذكر أيضاً يا رب كل الذين رقدوا وتنيحوا فى الكهنوت والذين فى كل طغمة العلمانيين.

Graciously, O Lord, repose all their souls in the bosom of our holy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Arikata[ioin ~P_ ma`mton `nnouyuxh throu> 'en kenf `nnenio; `eqouab> Abraam nem Icaak nem Iakwb.

تفضل يا رب نيح نفوسهم جميعا فى أحضان آبائنا القديسين إبراهيم وإسحق ويعقوب.

Sustain them in a green pasture, by the water of rest, in the Paradise of Joy.

}anou]ou 'en ouma `n`xlo`h> \ijen `vmwou `nte `pemton> 'en piparadicoc `nte `pounof.

علهم جميعا فى موضع خضرة على ماء الراحة فى فردوس النعيم.

The place out of which grief, sorrow and groaning have fled away, in the light of Thy saints.

Pima `etafvwt `ebol`n'htf> `nje pi`mka\ `n\ht nem ;luph nem pifi`a\om> 'en `vouwini `nte nh`eqouab `ntak.

الموضع الذى هرب منه الحزن الكآبة والتنهد فى نور قديسيك.

The priest adds a scoop of incense and mentions the names of those who have asleep. In the unlikely event of the departure of the patriarch, metropolitan or bishop, the priest and the deacon says the Diptych of the Patriarches.