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Evnoti Nai Nan

The priest signs the congregation with the sign of the cross three times. Then he looks towards the east, raises his right holding the cross along with his left hand and says

God, have mercy upon us, settle Thy mercy upon us, have compassion upon us, help us, bless us, guard, help us, take away Thine anger from us, visit us with Thy salvation, and forgive us our sins.

V; nai nan qe] ounai `eron> ]en\ht 'aron> cwtem `eron> `cmou `eron> `are\ `eron> `aribo`hqin `eron> `wli `mpekjwnt `ebol\aron> jempen]ini 'en pekoujai> ouo\ xa nennobi nan `ebol.

اللهم إرحمنا، قرر لنا رحمة، تراءف علينا. اسمعنا. باركنا، واحفظنا، وأعنا. ارفع غضبك عنا، وافتقدنا بخلاصك، واغفر لنا خطايانا.


Amen. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

~Amhn. Kuri`e `ele`hcon. Kuri`e `ele`hcon. Kuri`e `ele`hcon.

آمين. يا رب ارحم، يا رب ارحم، يا رب ارحم.

In case it is required to say "Lord have mercy" in the long tune, it is said three times, twice in short tune and the rest of the forty one times and the rest are chanted at the end of the service. Or the congregation says "Lord have mercy" seventeen times in short tune and the rest at the end of the service.

During the Lent of Nineveh and the weekdays of the Great Lent, the candles of the altar are blown out and the curtains of the sanctuary are pulled down. Then the prophecies are read in Coptic and then interpreted. Then the priest, the deacon and the congregation say the Supplication of the Great Lent.

In the event of the Feast of the Cross, Matins of Palm Sunday, the priest and the deacons proceed around in the church with the cross while the gospels of the procession are being read. On the Vespers of the Feast of the Ressurection, the procession is done the icon of the resurrection.