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Offering of the Incense

After the Long Prayers, the priest steps up to the sanctuary followed by the deacon. The priest signs the incense box once and adds one scoop of incense into the censer. Meanwhile, he says

Glory and honour, honour and glory to the Holy Trinity the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Ou`wou nem outai`o> outai`o nem ou`wou> `n;pan`agi`a `triac> ~Viwt nem ~P]hri nem Pi`pneuma `eqouab.

مجدا وكرامة. كرامة ومجدا للثالوث المقدس الآب والإبن والروح القدس.

Now, and all times, and unto the ages of all ages. Amen.

:nou nem `nchou niben nem ]a `ene\ `nte ni`ene\ throu> `amhn.

الآن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور. آمين.

Then the priest offers incense three times towards the east while bowing his head every time. In the first time, he says

We worship Thee, O Christ, with Thy Good Father and the Holy Spirit, for Thou hast come and saved us.

Tenouw]t `mmok `w Pi`xrictoc> nem Pekiwt `n`agaqoc> nem Pi`pneuma `eqouab> je ak`i akcw; `mmon.

نسجد لك أيها المسيح مع أبيك الصالح والروح القدس لأنك أتيت وخلصتنا.

In the second time, he says

And I, for Thy great mercy, enter Thine house, and bow towards Thine holy sanctuary.

~Anok de kata `p`a]ai `nte peknai ei`e`i `e'oun `epekhi> ouo\ ei`eouw]t na\ren pekervei e/q/u/.

وأنا كمثل كثرة رحمتك أدخل بيتك وأسجد نحو هيكلك المقدس.

In the third time, he says

Before the angels, I sing to Thee and bow towards Thine holy sanctuary.

~Mpe`mqo `nniaggeloc ;naeryalin `erok> ouo\ ;naouw]t na\ren pekervei e/q/u/.

أمام الملائكة أرتل لك وأسجد نحو هيكلك المقدس.

The priest proceeds around the altar once and then steps down from the sanctuary with his left foot. Then the priest offers incense towrads the north for the holy virgin and he says

We give you the peace with Gabriel the angel saying: Hail to you, O full of blessing, God be with you.

Ten; ne `mpixereticmoc> nem Gabrihl piaggeloc> je xere kexaritwmenh> `o Kurioc meta cou.

نعطيكِ السلام مع جبرائيل الملاك قائلين: السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة، الرب معك.

The priest may offer the incense three times for the holy virgin. In the first time, he says

Hail to you, O virgin, the beautiful dove, the brought forth unto us, God the Logos.

Xere ne Mari`a> ;`srompi eqnecwc> qh`etacmici nan> `mV; pilogoc.

السلام لك يا مريم الحمامة الحسنة التى ولدت لنا الله الكلمة.

We give you the peace with Gabriel the angel saying: Hail to you, O full of blessing, God be with you.

Ten; ne `mpixereticmoc> nem Gabrihl piaggeloc> je xere kexaritwmenh> `o Kurioc meta cou.

نعطيك السلام مع جبرائيل الملاك قائلين: السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة، الرب معك.

In the second time, he says

Hail to you, O Virgin, the very and true queen. Hail to the pride of our race, who has borne to us Emmanuel.

Xere ne `w ;parqenoc> ;ourw `mmhi `n`alhqinh> xere `p]ou]ou `nte pengenoc> `are`jvo nan `nEmmanouhl.

السلام لك أيتها العذراء الملكة الحقيقية الحقانية السلام لفخر جنسنا ولدت لنا عمانوئيل.

In the third time, he says

We ask you, remember us, O our faithful advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

Ten;\o `aripenmeu`i> `w ;`proctathc `eten\ot> na\ren Pen_ Ihcouc Pixrictoc> `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

نسأل أذكرينا أيتها الشفيعة الأمينة أمام ربنا يسوع المسيح ليغفر لنا خطايانا.

Then he offers incense towards the west and says

Hail to the choir of the angels, our fathers the prophets, the martyrs and all the saints.

Xere `pxoroc `nte niaggeloc> nem na_ `nio; `n`apoctoloc> nem `pxoroc `nte nimarturoc> nem nheqouab throu.

السلام لمصاف الملائكة وسادتى الآباء الرسل وصفوف الشهداء وجميع القديسين.

Then he offers incense towards the south and says

Hail to John son of Zechariah. Hail to monk son of the monk.

Xere Iwannhc ~P]hri `nZaxariac> xere piouhb ~P]hri `mpiouhb.

السلام ليوحنا ابن زكريا. السلام للكاهن ابن الكاهن.

Then he offers incense towards the east and says

We worship our Saviour, the Lover of mandkind, the Good, for He had compassion on us, came and saved us.

Marenouw]t `mpencwthr> pimairwmi `n`agaqoc> je `nqof af]wn\ht 'aron> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon.

فلنسجد لمخلصنا محب البشر الصالح، لأنه تراءف علينا، أتى وخلصنا.

If the patriarch, a metropolitan or a bishop is present, the priest kisses his cross and offers him incense three times. In the first time, he says

May the Lord keep the life of our honoured high priest (metropolitan or bishop) Abba (…).

~P_ ef`e`are\ `e`pwn' nem `pta\o `eratf `mpeniwt ettaihout (`narxh`ereuc # `mmhtropolithc # `n`epickopoc) abba (...).

الرب يحفظ حياة وقيام أبينا المكرم البابا (أوالمطران أوالأسقف) أنبا (...).

In the second time, he says

In keeping keep him unto us for many years and peaceful times.

"en ou`are\ `are\ `erof nan> `n\anmh] `nrompi nem \anchou `n\irhnink.

حفظا احفظه لنا سنين كثيرة وأزمنة سلامة.

In the third time, he says

Trample all his enemies under his feet speedily.

~Ntefqebi`o `nnefjaji throu> capecht `nnefsalauj `nxwlem.

وأخضع جميع أعدائه تحت قدميه سريعا.

Then he kisses the cross and says

Ask the Christ on our behalf to forgive us our sins.

Twb\ `mPx/c/ `e`\rhi `ejwm> `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

اطلب من المسيح عنا ليغفر لنا خطايانا.

Then the priest offers incense to the other priests. For the hegumen, the priest offers incense twice. In the first time, he says

I ask you, my father the hegumen, to remember me in your prayer.

:;\o `erok paiwt pi\hgoumenoc> `aripameu`i 'en pek`]lhl.

أسألك يا أبى القمص اذكرنى فى صلاتك.

In the second time, he says

That the Christ, our Lord, may forgive my many sins.

|ina `nte Pi`xrictoc Pennou;> xw nhi `ebol `nnanobi eto].

لكى المسيح إلهنا يغفر لى خطاياى الكثيرة.

Or, in the second time, he says

May the Lord keep you in peace, holiness and power.

~P_ ef`e`are\ `erok 'en ou\irhnh nem oumeqmhi nem oumetjwri.

الرب يحفظك بسلام وبر وقوة.

For other priests, he offers incense once and says

I ask you, my father the priest, to remember me in your prayer.

:;\o `erok paiwt pi`precbuteroc> `aripameu`i 'en pek`]lhl.

أسألك يا أبى القس اذكرنى فى صلاتك.

Either the hegumen or the priest replies

May the Lord keep your priesthood like Melchisedec, Aaron, Zechariah and Simon, the priests of the high God. Amen.

~P_ ef``e`are\ `etekmetouhb> `m`vrh; `mMelxicedek nem A`arwn nem Zaxariac nem Cumewn niouhb `nte V; etsoci> `amhn.

الرب يحفظ كهنوتك مثل ملكى صادق وهارون وزكريا وسمعان كهنة الله العلى. آمين.

During the liturgy, they reply

May God accept your sacrifice like Melchisedec, Aaron, Zechariah and Simon, the priests of the high God. Amen.

V; er`e]ep tekquci`a> `m`vrh; `mMelxicedek nem A`arwn nem Zaxariac nem Cumewn niouhb `nte V; etsoci> `amhn.

الله يقبل ذبيحتك مثل ملكى صادق وهارون وزكريا وسمعان كهنة الله العلى. آمين.

Then the priest offers incense to the congregation starting with the north choir of the sanctuary. In the Vespers Incense, he says

The blessings of the evening incense. May their holy blessings be upon us. Amen.

~Cmou `mpi`cqoinoufi `nte \anarou\i> `ere pef`cmou eqouab ]wpi neman> `amhn.

بركة بخور المساء، بركته المقدسة تكون معنا. آمين.

In the Matins Incense, he says

The blessings of the morning incense. May their holy blessings be upon us. Amen.

~Cmou `mpi`cqoinoufi `nte \anatoou`i> `ere pef`cmou e/q/u/ ]wpi neman> `amhn.

بركة بخور باكر، بركته المقدسة تكون معنا. آمين.

In the Pauline incense, he says

The blessing of Saint Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ. May his holy blessings be upon us. Amen.

~Cmou `mPauloc piapoctoloc `nte Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc> `ere pef`cmou `eqouab ]wpi neman> `amhn.

بركة بولس رسول يسوع المسيح، بركته المقدسة تكون معنا. آمين.

In the Praxis incense, he says

The blessings of our fathers the apostles: our father Peter, our teacher Paul and the rest of the disciples. May their holy blessings be upon us. Amen.

~Cmou `nna_ `nio; `n`apoctoloc> `ete peniwt Petroc nem penca' Pauloc nem `pcepi `nte nimaqhthc> `ere pou`cmou eqouab ]wpi neman> `amhn.

بركة سادتى الآباء الرسل أى أبينا بطرس ومعلمنا بولس وبقية التلاميذ، بركتهم المقدسة فلتكون معنا. آمين.

Then, the priest moves to the other side of the sanctuary, and says five prayers. He first says

Jesus Christ yesterday, today and forever is the same in One Holiness. We worship and glorify Him.

Ihcouc Pixrictoc `ncaf nem voou> `nqof `nqof pe nem ]a `ene\> 'en ou\upoctacic `nouwt> tenouw]t `mmof ten;`wou naf.

يسوع المسيح أمسا واليوم وإلى الأبد هو هو بأقنوم واحد نسجد له ونمجده.

He offers incense towards the east and says

He Who gave himself up as an accepted sacrifice on the cross for the salvation of our race.

Vai `etafenf `e`p]wi> `nouquci`a ec]hp> \ijen pi`ctauroc> 'a `poujai `mpengenoc.

هذا الذى أصعد ذاته ذبيحة مقبولة على الصليب عن خلاص جنسنا.

He offers incense towards the north and says

And His Good Father smelled Him at the night hour on the Golgotha.

Af]wlem `erof> `nje Pefiwt `n`agaqoc> `m`vnau `nte \anarou\i> \ijen ;golgoqa.

فاشتمه أبوه الصالح وقت المساء على الجلجثة.

He offers incense towards the west and says

Opened the doors of paradise and returned Adam to his leadership once again.

Afouwn `m`vro> `mpiparadicoc> aftacqo `nAdam> `etefarxh `nkecop.

فتح باب الفردوس ورد أدم إلى رئاسته مرة أخرى.

He offers incense towards the south and says

Through His cross and holy resurrection, He returned man once again to paradise.

Ebol\iten pef`ctauroc> nem tef`ana`ctacic e/q/u/> aftacqo `mpirwmi `nkecop> `e'oun `epiparadicoc.

من قبل صليبه وقيامته المقدسة رد الإنسان مرة أخرى إلى الفردس.

Then, in the vespers, matins and Pauline incense, the priest steps up to the sanctuary and, in the Praxis incense, he stands at the entrance of the sanctuary. He offers incense to the altar for the confession of the congregation and says

O God Who accepted the confession of the malefactor on the precious cross.

V; vh`etaf]wp `erof `n;`omologi`a `nte piconi> \ijen pi`ctauroc ettaihout.

يا الله الذى قبل إليه إعتراف اللص على الصليب المكرم.

Accept unto Thee the confession of Thy people, forgive them all their sins for the sake of Thine Holy Name, which is called upon us.

}wp `erok `n;`omologi`a `nte peklaoc> ouo\ xw nwou `nnounobi throu `ebol> eqbe pekran eqouab> `etaumou; `mmof `e`\rhi `ejwm.

إقبل إليك اعتراف شعبك، اغفر لهم جميع خطاياهم من أجل اسمك القدوس الذى دعى علينا.

According to Thy mercy, O Lord, and not according to our sins.

Kata to `eleoc cou kuri`e ke mh kata tac `amartiac `hmwn.

كرحمتك يا رب ولا كخطايانا.

Then the priest proceeds around the altar once, and then steps down from the sanctuary. He offers incense three times at the entrance of the sanctuary, in the four directions and to the other priests as explained earlier. If any of the high priest, a metropolitan or a bishop is present, the priest does offer incense to the other priests, but to the high priest only. Then he offers incense to everyone and then leaves the censer and worships before the altar. When the congregation finishes the doxologies and the orthodox creed, the priest takes the cross from the deacon and holds it with three lit candles in his right hand. At the end of the orthodox creed, the congregation says

We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age. Amen.

Tenjou]t `ebol 'a`t\h `n;`anactacic `nte nirefmwout> nem piwn' `nte pi`e`wn eqnhou> `amhn.

وننتظر قيامة الأموات وحياة الدهر الآتى. آمين.