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Doxologies for the Martyrs

Doxology for Saint Stephen

The honoured martyr, of our Lord Jesus Christ, the holy Stephen, which means “A crown.”

Vhettai]out `mmarturoc> `nte Pen_ Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc> vh`eqouab Ctevanoc> `ete pefou`w\em pe pi`xlom.

الشهيد المكرم الذى لربنا يسوع المسيح القديس استفانوس الذى تأويله الاكليل.

God revealed unto him, the great mysteries, and his face did shine, like the face of an angel.

Vh`eta V; swrp `erof> `n\anni]; `mmucthrion> afsiouwini `nje pef\o> `m`vrh; `m`p\o `nouaggeloc.

الذى كشف له الله أسراراً عظيمة واستنار وجهه مثل وجه ملاك.

He saw the glory of heaven, and Jesus at the right of His Father, and those who were stoning him, he prayed for their salvation.

Vetafnau `enivhou`i euouhn> ouo\ Pa_ Ihcouc caou`inam `mPefiwt> nh`etau\i`wni `ejwf> naftwb\ `nca pououjai.

الذى رأى السموات مفتوحة وربنا يسوع عن يمين أبيه. والذين يرجمونه كان يطلب عن خلاصهم.

Proclaiming and saying, “O my Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit, and count not sin against them.”

Efw] `ebol efjw `mmoc> je Pa_ Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc> ]ep pa`pneuma `erok> `mperep painobi `enairwmi.

صارخاً قائلاً يا ربى يسوع المسيح إقبل روحى إليك ولا تحسب هذه الخطية على هؤلاء الناس.

“For they know not, what they are doing, because of the blondness of their hearts, Lord do not hold this against them.”

Je `ncecwoun `n`\li an> 'en nh`etou`iri `mmwou> eqbe piqwm `nte pou\ht> ~P_ `mperco\i `mmwou.

لأنهم لا يدرون ماذا يصنعون من أجل عمى قلوبهم. يا رب لا تبكتهم.

He completed his mission, and he died for the truth, and he wore the unfading crown, of martyrdom.

Pef`dromoc afjokf ebol> ouo\ afmou `ejen ;meqmhi> afervorin `mpi`xlom `naqlwm> `nte ;metmarturoc.

أكمل سعيه ومات على الحق ولبس إكليل الشهادة غير المضمحل.

Hail to you, O athlete, of our Lord Jesus Christ, the holy Stephen, which means “A crown.”

Xere nak `w piaqlhthc> `nte Pen_ Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc> vh`eqouab Ctevanoc> `ete pef`w\em pe pi`xlom.

السلام لك أيها المجاهد الذى لربنا يسوع المسيح القديس استفانوس الذى تأويله الإكليل.

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O blessed archdeacon, Stephen the First Martyr, that He may forgive us our sins.

Twb\ `m~P_ `e`\rhi `ejwn> `w piarxid`iakwn et`cmarwout> Ctevanoc pi]orp `mmarturoc> `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

أطلب من الرب عنا يا رئيس الشمامسة المبارك استفانوس الشهيد الأول ليغفر لنا خطايانا.

Doxology for Saint George

Saint George endured, for seven whole years, seventy impious kings, judging him every day.

}`a]f `nrompi afjokou `ebol> `nje vh`eqouab Gewrgioc> `ere pi`]be `nouro `n`anomoc> eu;\ap `erof `mmhni.

سبع سنين أكملها القديس جيؤرجيوس. السبعون ملكا منافقين يحكمون عليه كل يوم.

They could not change his mind, neither his upright faith, nor the great love he had, for his King, Jesus Christ.

Mpou`]vwn\ `mpeflogicmoc> oude pefna\; etcoutwn> oude tefni]; `n`agaph> `e'oun `e`pouro Px/c/.

ولم يقدروا أن يميلوا أفكاره ولا ايمانه المستقيم ولا عظم محبته فى الملك المسيح.

And he sang with David, “All nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord Jesus, will I destroy them.”

Naferalin nem Dauid> je aukw; `eroi `nje nieqnoc throu> alla 'en `vran `nIhcouc Panou;> aisi `mpasi `m``p]i] nemwou.

وكان يرتل مع داود قائلا أحاط بى جميع الامم لكن باسم يسوع الهى انتقمت منهم.

Great is your honor, O my Master Prince George, for Christ rejoices with you, in the heavenly Jerusalem.

Ouni]; gar pe pektai`o> `w Pa_ `pouro Gewrgioc> `ere Pi`xrictoc ra]i nemak> 'en Ilh/m/ `nte `tve.

عظيمة هى كرامتك ياسيدى الملك جيؤرجيوس. المسيح يفرح معك فى أورشليم السمائية.

Hail to you, O martyr. Hail to the courageous hero. Hail to the victorious, my lord the prince, George.

Xere nak `w pimarturoc> xere pi]wij `ngenneoc> xere piaqlovoroc> pa_ `pouro Gewrgioc.

السلام لك أيها الشهيد. السلام للشجاع المجاهد. السلام لللابس الجهاد. سيدى الملك جيؤرجيوس.

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O victorious martyr, my lord the prince George, that He may forgive us our sins.

Twb\ `m~P_ `e`\rhi `ejwn> `w piaqlovoroc `mmarturoc> Pa_ `pouro Gewrgioc> `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

أطلب عنا أيها الشهيد المجاهد سيدى الملك جيؤرجيوس ليغفر لنا خطايانا.

Doxology for Saint Mina

What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Oh, the vanity of this world!

E]wp oun `nte pirwmi> jem\hou `mpikocmoc thrf> `ntef`oci `ntefyuxh> ou pe pai wn' `n`evlhou.

إذا ربح الانسان العالم كله وخسر نفسه فما هى هذه الحياة الباطلة.

The holy Abba Mena, heard the Voice Divine, and forsook the whole world, and its vain glory.

Pi`agioc apa Mhna> afcwtem `nca ;`cmh `nnou;> afxw `mpikocmoc thrf `ncwf> nem pef`wou eqnatako.

القديس أبا مينا أطاع الصوت الإلهى وترك عنه العالم كله ومجده الفاسد.

He gave his soul unto death, and his flesh unto the fire, and received great afflictions, for the Son of the Living God.

Af; `ntefyhxh `e`vmou> nem pefcwma `epi`xrwm> af]ep \anni]; `mbacanoc> eqbe ~P]hri `m~Vnou; eton'.

وبذل نفسه للموت وجسده للنار وقبل عذابات عظيمة لأجل إبن الله الحى.

Therefore, our Saviour, lifted him to His Kingdom, and granted him the good things, which an eye has not seen.

Eqbe vai aPencwthr> olf e'oun `etefmetouro> af; naf `nniagaqon> nhete `mpe bal nau `erwou.

فلهذا رفعه مخلصنا إلى ملكوته وأعطاه الخيرات التى لم ترها عين.

Hail to you O martyr. Hail to courageous hero. Hail to the struggle-mantled, the saint Abba Mena.

Xere nak `wpimarturoc> xere pi]wij `ngenneoc> xere piaqlovoroc> pi`agioc apa Mhna.

السلام لك أيها الشهيد. السلام للشجاع البطل. السلام للمجاهد القديس أبا مينا.

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O victorious martyr, the holy Abba Mena, that He may forgive us our sins.

Twb\ `m~P_ `e`\rhi `ejwn> `w piaqlovoroc `mmarturoc> pi`agioc apa Mhna> `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

أطلب عنا أيها الشهيد المجاهد القديس أبا مينا ليغفر لنا خطايانا.

Doxology for the Theban Martyrs

The holy and valiant martyrs, of the Theban Legion, who gave their lives for the Faith, and converted the pagans.

Egypt was their homeland, but Europe became their burial ground. Six thousand and six hundred soldiers, the best in the Roman army.

They fought with courage and honour, defeating the impious foes, but idols they would not worship, even under threat of death.

They threw their arms to the ground, and gave their necks unto the sword, preferring death as Christians, to life in shame as infidels.

Their testimony to their Lord, was greeted by many miracles, and thousands of those who stood by, believed on the Name of Jesus Christ.

Blessed are you Saint Maurice, Exuperius and Candid; Victor, Ursus and Alexander, the beloved of Christ.

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O victorious martyrs, Saint Maurice and his companions, that He may forgive us our sins.