Doxology for the Virgin | |||
You are the Mother of Light, the honored Mother of God, you have carried, the Uncircumscript Logos. | ~Nqo `qmau `mpiouwini> ettaihout `mmacnou;> `arefai 'a pilogoc> pi`axwritoc. | أنت يا أم النور المكرمة والدة الإله حملت الكلمة غير المحوى. | |
After you gave birth to Him, you remained a virgin, with praises and blessings, we magnify you. | Menenca `qremacf> are`o\i ereoi `mparqenoc> 'en \an\wc nem \an`cmou> tensici `mmo. | ومن بعد أن ولدته بقيت عذراء. نعظمك بتسابيح وبركات. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem Pi`pneuma `eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بارادته ومسرة ابيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. | |
And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of mankind. | Anon \wn tentwb\> eqren]a]ni eunai> \iten ne`precbi`a `ntot `mpimairwmi. | ونحن أيضا نطلب أن نفوز برحمة بشفاعاتك لدى محب البشر. |