Tuesday Theotokia | |||
First Part | |||
The crown of our pride, the head of our salvation, the confirmation of our purity, is the Virgin Mary. | Pi`xlom `nte pen]ou]ou> `t`aparxh `mpencw;> `ptajro `mpentoubo> pe Maria ;Parqenoc. | إكليل فخرنا ورأس خلاصنا وثبات طهرنا هى مريم العذراء. | |
Who for us gave birth to, God the Word, who became man, for our salvation. | Qh`etacmici nan> `mV; piLogoc> vh`etaf]wpi `nrwmi> eqbe penoujai. | التى ولدت لنا الله الكلمة الذى صار انساناً لاجل خلاصنا. | |
And after He became man, He is also God, wherefore she gave birth to Him, while a Virgin. | Menenca `qreferrwmi> `nqof on pe V;> eqbe vai acmacf> ecoi `mParqenoc. | وبعد أن صار انساناً هو الإله أيضاً فلهذا ولدته وهي عذراء. | |
Exalted is the wonder, of her pregnancy, and her delivery, is unutterable. | ~Csoci `nje ;`]vhri> `nte pecjin`erboki> pecjinmici on> ou`atcaji `mmof pe. | عالية هى الاعجوبة التى لحبلها وولادتها أيضاً لاينطق به. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بارادته ومسرة أبيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. | |
Second Part | |||
Great is the glory, of your virginity, O Virgin Mary, the perfect one. | Ouni]; pe `pwou> `nte teparqeni`a Maria> ;Parqenoc> qh`etjhk `ebol. | عظيم هو مجد بتوليتك يامريم العذراء الكاملة. | |
You have found grace, and the Lord is with you, you are the ladder, which Jacob saw. | ~Arejem `\mot> ~P_ ]op neme> `nqo te ;moki> qh`eta Iakwb nau `eroc. | وجدتِ نعمة الرب معك انتِ هى السلم التى رآها يعقوب. | |
Set firmly on the earth, reaching to heaven, where the angels, come down upon it. | Ectajrhout \ijen pika\i> ecsoci ]a `e`\rhi `e`tve> `ere ni`aggeloc> nh`ou `epecht \iwtc. | ثابتة على الأرض ومرتفعة الى السماء والملائكة نازلون عليها. | |
You are the bush, which Moses has seen, flaming with fire, and was not consumed. | ~Nqo pe pi`]]hn> `etafnau `erof `nje Mwuchc> efmo\ 'en pi`xrwm> ouo\ nafrwk\ an. | انت هي الشجرة التى رآها موسى مُتقدة بالنار ولم تحترق. | |
This is the Son of God, who dwelt in your womb, the fire of His divinity, did not consume your body. | ~Ete vai pe `p}hri `mV;> `etaf]wpi 'en teneji> `mpe pi`xrwm `nte tefmeqnou;> rwk\ `mpecwma. | اى ابن الله الذى اتى وحل فى بطنك ونار لاهوته لم تحرق جسدك. | |
You are the field, that was not planted, but you did give, the fruit of life. | ~Nqo te ;koi> `mpou;`jroj `eroc> `aretaou`o `ebol> `noukarpoc `nwn'. | انت هي الحقل الذى لم يُزرع واخرجت ثمرة حياة. | |
You are the treasure, that Joseph bought, and he found the pearl, hidden in its midst. | ~Nqo pe pi`a\o> `etaf]opf `nje Iwchv> afjem pimarjarithc> ef\hp 'en tefmh;. | انت هي الكنز الذى اشتراه يوسف فوجد الجوهر مخفى فى وسطه. | |
Our Savior Jesus, was found in your womb, you gave birth to Him for the world, so He might save us. | Afjem penCwthr> Ihcouc 'en teneji> `are`jvof `epikocmoc> ]a`ntefcw; `mmon. | وجد مخلصنا يسوع فى بطنك وولدتيه إلى العالم حتى خلصنا. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بارادته ومسرة أبيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. | |
Third Part | |||
Hail to the Mother of God, the rejoicing of angels, hail to the chaste one, the preaching of the prophets. | Xere ;macnou;> `pqelhl `nte ni`aggeloc> xere ;cemne> `p\iwi] `nte ni`provhthc. | السلام لوالدة الإله تهليل الملائكة. السلام للعفيفة كرازة الانبياء. | |
Hail to you who has found grace, the Lord is with you, hail to you who accepted, the joy of the world. | Xere qh`etacjem `\mot> ~P_ ]op neme> xere qh`etacsi `nten piaggeloc> `m`vra]i `mpikocmoc. | السلام للتى وجدت نعمة الرب معكِ السلام للتى قبلت من الملاك فرح العالم. | |
Hail to her who gave birth, to the Creator of all, hail to her who is worthy to be called, the Mother of Christ. | Xere qh`etacmici> `m`vrefqamio `mpi`epthrf> xere qh`etac`m`p]a `mmou; `eroc> je `qmau `mPixrictoc. | السلام للتى وَلَدت خالق الكل. السلام للتى استحقت أن تُدعى أم المسيح. | |
Hail to you who brought, salvation to Adam and Eve, hail to her who nursed, the Provider of everyone. | Xere qh`etac>; `m`pcw; `nAdam nem Eua> xere qh`etac;`si> `m`vref]an] `nouon niben. | السلام للتى أعطت الخلاص لآدم وحواء السلام للتى ارضعت عائل كل احد. | |
Hail to the saint, the mother of all the living, you are the one we entreat to, intercede for us. | Xere qheqouab> `qmau `nnheton' throu> `nqo pe `etentwb\ `mmo> `ari`precbeuin `ejwn. | السلام للقديسة أم جميع الاحياء نطلب اليك أن تشفعي فينا. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بارادته ومسرة أبيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. | |
Fourth Part | |||
If someone contemplates, about you, O holy Virgin, and Mother of God. | ~Are]an ouai> ;ni`atf `mmo> `w ;parqenoc `eqouab> ouo\ `mmacnou;. | إذا تأملكِ أحدٌ أيتها العذراء القديسة والدة الإله. | |
And about the mystery, full of wonder, which dwelt in you, for our salvation. | Nem pimucthrion> etoi `n`]vhri> `etaf]wpi `n'h;> eqbe penoujai. | والسر العجيب الذى صار فيكِ لأجل خلاصنا. | |
He would keep silent, for he cannot utter, he would make us, rise up for praise. | ~Fnakarwf men> eqbe ;metatcaji `mmof> `fnatounocten `e`p]wi> `eoujiner\umnoc. | فإنه يصمت من أجل ما لا يُنطَقُ به ويُقيمنا إلى التسبيح. | |
Because of the greatness, of the wonderful, Maker of all things. | Eqbe ;metni];> `nte vhetoi `n`]vhri> `nreferpeqnanef> etoi `nouqo `nrh;. | من أجل عظمة العجيب صانع الخيرات المتنوعة. | |
For the Living Word, of God the Father, came down to give the Law, on Mount Sinai. | PiLogoc gar eton'> `nte V; ~Viwt> `etaf`i `epecht `e;nomoc> \ijen `ptwou `nCina. | لأن كلمة الله الحى الذى للآب. نزل ليعطى الناموس على جبل سيناء. | |
He covered the peak, of the mountain, with smoke darkness and mist, and with storms. | Af\wbc `n`t`ave> `mpitwou 'en ou`xremtc> nem ouxaki nem ou`gnovoc> nem oucaraqhou. | غطّى رأس الجبل بالدخان والظلام والضباب والعاصف. | |
Through the sound, of the trumpets, He was teaching, the people standing with fear. | Ebol\iten ;`cmh> `nte \ancalpiggoc> naf;`cbw 'en ou\o;> `nnhet`o\i `eratou. | ومن جهة صوت الابواق كان يعلم الواقفين بمخافة. | |
He also descended on you, O speaking mountain, that spoke with humility, and love of mankind. | ~Nqof on af`i `epecht `ejw> 'a pitwou `nlogikon> 'en oumetremrau]> nem oumetmairwmi. | هو أيضاً نزل عليك أيتها الجبل الناطق بوداعة ومحبه بشرية. | |
And likewise, He took flesh from you, without alteration, a speaking body. | Ouo\ on `mpairh;> afsicar[ `n'h;> 'en oumet`at]ib;> `noucar[ `nlogikh. | وهكذا أيضاً تجسد منك بغير تغيير بجسد ناطق. | |
Co-essential with us, and perfect, and also has, a rational soul. | ~N`omooucioc neman> ecjhk `ebol> `eouon `ntac `mmau> `nouyuxh `nno`hra. | مساوٍ لنا كامل. وله نفس عاقلة. | |
He remained God, as He is, and became, a perfect man. | Af`o\i efoi `nnou;> 'en vhenafoi `mmof> ouo\ af]wpi `nrwmi> `ntelioc. | بقى إلهاً على حاله وصار إنساناً كاملاً. | |
So as to abolish, the iniquity of Adam, and that He may save, those who perished. | |ina `ntefbwl `ebol> `mparaptwma `nAdam> ouo\ `ntefcw;> `mvhetaftako. | لكى يحل زلّة آدم ويخلص مَن هلك. | |
And to make him a citizen, of heaven, and restore his leadership, according to His great mercy. | Ntefaif `mpolithc> `n`\rhi 'en nivhou`i> `nteftacqof `etefarxh> kata pefni]; `nnai. | ويصيره مدنيا فى السماوات ويردُّه إلى رئاسته كعظيم رحمته. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بإرادته ومسرة أبيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. | |
Fifth Part | |||
The honor of the Virgin, is unutterable, for God desired her, and came and dwelt in her. | ~Ptaio `n;parqenoc> ouatcaji `mmof pe> je a V; oua]c> af`i af]wpi `n'htc. | كرامة العذراء لا يُنطق بها لأن الله أرادها وجاء وسكن فيها. | |
He who abides in light, that is unapproachable, dwelt in her womb, for nine months. | Vh`etwop 'en piouwini> `nat`]'wnt `erof> af]wpi 'en tecneji> `myht `n`abot. | الساكن فى النور غير المقترب اليه حلّ فى بطنها تسعة شهور. | |
Mary gave birth to, the Invisible, and infinite One, and remained a Virgin. | Piaqnau `erof> piat;qw] `erof> `aMaria macf> ecoi `mparqenoc. | غير المنظور غير المحدود ولدته مريم وهى عذراء. | |
For this is the rock, which Daniel saw, which was cut, from a mountain. | Vai gar pe pi`wni> vh`eta Danihl> nau `erof `eau]atf> `ebol\i outwou. | لأن هذا هو الحجر الذى رآه دانيال قد قُطع من جبلٍ. | |
The hands of men, never touched Him, for He is the Word, of the Father. | Ete `mpe jij `nrwmi> so\ `erof `e`pthrf> `ete vai pe piLogoc> pi `ebol'en ~Viwt. | ولم تلمسه يد إنسانٍ البتة. هو الكلمة الذى من الآب. | |
He came and took flesh, from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af`i afsicar[> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a`ntefcw; `mmon. | أتى وتجسّدَ من العذراء بغير زرع بشر حتى خلصنا. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بإرادته ومسرة أبيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. | |
Sixth Part | |||
You became a branch, of purity, and a vessel, of the faith. | Are]wpi `nou`kladoc> `nte pitoubo> ouo\ `nkumillion> `nte pina\;. | صرتِ غصناً للطهارة واناء للإيمان. | |
Of the Orthodox, our holy fathers, O chaste Mother of God, the honored Virgin. | Norqodo[oc> `nte nenio; eqouab> `w ;cemne `mmacnou;> ettaihout `mparqenoc. | الأرثوذكسى الذى لآبائنا القديسين أيتها العفيفة والدة الإله المكرمة العذراء. | |
For you gave birth for us, God the Word, our Savior Jesus, He came and saved us. | Je `aremici nan> `mV; pilogoc pencwthr Ihcouc> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنكِ ولدتِ لنا الله الكلمة مخلصنا يسوع أتى وخلصنا. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بإرادته ومسرة أبيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. | |
Seventh Part | |||
You are the Mother of Light, the honored Mother of God, you have carried, the uncircumscript Logos. | Nqo `qmau `mpiouwini> ettaihout `mmacnou;> arefai 'a pilogoc> piaxwritoc. | أنت ياأم النور المكرمة والدة الإله حملت الكلمة غير المحوى. | |
After you gave birth to Him, you remained a Virgin, with hymns and blessings, we magnify you. | Menenca `qremacf> ari`o\i ereoi `mparqenoc> 'en \an\wc nem \an`cmou> tensici `mmo. | وبعد ما ولدته بقيت عذراء بتسابيح وبركات نعظمكِ. | |
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. | Je `nqof 'en pefouw]> nem `p;ma; `mPefiwt> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> af`i afcw; `mmon. | لأنه بإرادته ومسرة أبيه والروح القدس أتى وخلصنا. |