Thursday Theotokia | |||
First Part | |||
The bush which Moses, has seen in the wilderness, and the fire that was in it, did not burn its branches. | Pibatoc eta Mwuchc> nau `erof `ebol \i `p]afe> ere pi`xrwm mo\ `n'htf> oude `mpourwk\ `nje nef`kladoc. | العليقة التى رآها موسى فى البرية والنار مشتعلة فيها ولم تحترق أغصانها. | |
* This is a symbol of Mary, the undefiled Virgin, which the Word of the Father, came and took flesh from her. | # ~Foi `ntupoc `mMaria> ;Parqenoc `n`atqwleb> eta piLogoc `nte ~Viwt> `i afsicar[ `ebol `n'htc. | هى مثال مريم العذراء غير الدنسة التى أتى وتجسد منها كلمة الآب. | |
The fire of His Divinity, did not burn the womb of the Virgin, and after she gave birth to Him, she remained a virgin. | ~Mpe pi`xrwm `nte tefmeqnou;> rwk\ `n`qneji `n;Parqenoc> ouo\ on meneca `qrecmacf> ac`o\i acoi `mparqenoc. | ونار لاهوته لم تحرق بطن العذراء وأيضاً بعد ما ولدته بقيت عذراء. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Second Part | |||
The pride of all virgins, is Mary the Mother of God, for her sake He has revoked, the first curse. | ~P]ou]ou `nniparqenoc throu> pe Maria ;ma`cnou;> eqbhtc on afbwl `ebol> `nje pica\o`i `n`arxeoc. | فخر جميع العذارى هي مريم والدة الإله. من أجلها أيضاً نُقضت اللعنة الأولى. | |
* Which was pronounced upon our race, through the violation, incurred by the first woman, when she ate from the fruit of the tree. | # Vh`etaf~I \ijen pengenoc> \iten ;parabacic> `eta ;`c\imi ]wpi `n'htc> acouwm `ebol'en `pouta\ `mpi`]]hn. | التى جاءت على جنسنا من قبل المخالفة التى وقعت فيها المرأة لما أكلت من ثمرة الشجرة. | |
Because of Eve, the door of Paradise was closed, and through the Virgin Mary, it was opened to us one more. | Eqbe Eua auma]qam> `m`vro `mpiParadicoc> \iten Maria ;Parqenoc> auouwn `mmof nan `nkecop. | من أجل حواء أغلق باب الفردوس ومن قبل مريم العذراء. فتح لنا مرة أخرى. | |
* We have become worthy to have, the Tree of Life to eat from, which is the Body of God, and His true Blood. | # Aner`pem`p]a `mpi`]]hn> `nte `pwn' eqrenouwm `ebol`n'htf> `ete vai pe `pcwma `mV;> nem pef`cnof `n`alhqinon. | استحققنا شجرة الحياة لنأكل منها أي جسد الله ودمه الحقيقين. | |
Let us worship our Savior, the Good Lover of mankind, for He had compassion upon us, He came and saved us. | Marenouw]t `mpenCwthr> pimairwmi `n`agaqoc> je `nqof af]en\ht 'aron> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | فلنسجد لمخلصنا محب البشر الصالح لأنه ترأف علينا أتى وخلصنا. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Third Part | |||
Which mind or which speech, or sound can attain the unutterable expression, of Thy love for mankind O God. | A] `nnouc ie a] `ncaji> ie jincwtem eqna`]fai> 'a pipelagoc `natcaji `mmof> `nte tekmetmairwmi V;. | أى عقلِ أو أى قولِ أو أى سمعِ يقدر أن ينهض باللجة التى لا توصف التى لمحبتك للبشر ياالله. | |
* The One and Only Word, begotten before all ages, as the divinity without body, from the only Father. | # Piouai `mmauatf `nLogoc> `etau`jvof 'ajen ni`ewn throu> kata ;meqnou; asne cwma> `ebol'en piou`ai ~Viwt. | الواحد وحده الكلمة المولود قبل كل الدهور باللاهوت بغير جسد من الآب وحده. | |
And He himself also, was born bodily, without change or alteration, from His mother only. | Ouo\ vai on `mmauatf> au`jvof cwmatikwc> 'en oumet`at]ib; nem oumet`atvwn\> `ebol'en tefmau `mmauatc. | هو ذاته أيضاً وُلد جسدياً بغير تغيير ولا تحول من أمه وحدها. | |
* And also after she gave birth to Him, she remained a virgin, and thus He has showed, that she is the Mother of God. | # Ouo\ on menenca `qrecmacf> `mpefbwl `ebol `ntecparqenia> 'en vai afou`on\c `ebol> je ouqeotokoc te. | وأيضاً بعد أن ولدته لم يحل بتوليتها. وبهذا أظهرها بأنها والدة الإله. | |
O how great is the wealth and wisdom of God, for the womb under punishment, gave birth to children with deep pain. | ~W `p]wk `n;metrama`o> nem ;covi`a `nte V; je ;neji etau\itc `e`p\ap> ac`jvo `n\an]hri 'en ou`mka\`n\ht. | يالعمق غنى وحكمة الله لأن البطن الواقع تحت الحكم وولد الآولاد بوجع القلب. | |
* He became the source of immortality, she gave birth to Emmanuel, without the seed of man, to revoke the corruption of our race. | # Ac]wpi `noumoumi `nte oumet`aqmou> acmici nan `nEmmanouhl> asne `cperma `nrwmi> afbwl `ebol `m`ptako `mpengenoc. | صار ينبوعاً لعدم الموت ولدت لنا عمانوئيل بغير زرع بشر ونقض فساد جنسنا. | |
Let us proclaim and say unto Him, Glory be to the incomprehensible One, the God Lover of man the Savior of our souls, He came and saved us. | Vai marenw] oubhf enjw `mmoc> je pi`wou nak pi`at`]ta\of> pimairwmi `n`agaqoc `vrefcw; `nnenyuxh> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | فلنصرخ نحوه قائلين المجد لك أيها الغير مدرك محب البشر الصالح مخلص نفوسنا لأنه أتى وخلصنا. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Fourth Part | |||
O what an honor to the conception, of the virginal womb, that gave birth to God without seed, as the angle witnessed. | ~W;timh `nte ;jinerboki> `nte ;neji `mparqenikh> ouo\ `nqeotokoc ouat`jroj te> afermeqre `nje pi`aggeloc. | يالكرامة الحبل الذى للبطن البتولى والوالد الإله بغير زرع إذ شهد الملاك. | |
* When he appeared to Joseph, he likewise said that, the One she will give birth to, is from the Holy Spirit. | # ~Etafouon\f `eIwchv> efjw `mmoc `mpairh;> je vh gar etacnamacf> ou `ebol'en ou~Pnauma efouab pe. | لما ظهر ليوسف قائلا هكذا ان الذى ستلده هو من الروح القدس | |
For the Word of the Father, came and took flesh from her, she gave birth to Him without change, the angle said to him. | ~Eti de je ne piLogoc `nte ~Viwt> `i afsicar[ `ebol `n'htc> 'en oumetat]ibt `e`acmacf> aftou\o `mpaixet efjw `mmoc | وأيضاً كلمة الآب أتى وتجسد منها. ولدته بغير تغيير وزاد هذا الآخر الملاك قائلا. | |
* “She shall give birth to a Son, and He shall be called Emmanuel, which means, God with us.” | # Je ec`emici `nou}hri> euemou; `epefran je Emmanouhl> vh`ete ]au`ou`a\mef> je V; neman. | انها تلد ابناً وُيدعى اسمه عمانوئيل الذى تفسيره الله معنا. | |
And you will also call, His name Jesus, for He will save His people, from their iniquities. | Ouo\ on ek`emou;> `epefran je Ihcouc> `nqof eqnano\em `mpeflaoc> `ebol'en nou`anomia. | وأيضاً تدعو اسمه يسوع وهو الذى يخلص شعبه من خطاياهم. | |
* So when we became His people, He will save us with power, He will forgive us our sins, let us be confirmed in Him. | # Icje de anon pe peflaoc> `fnano\em `mmon 'en oumetjwri> efxw `ebol `nnen`anomia> marencouwnf 'en outajro. | فاذ صرنا نحن شعبه فهو يخلصنا بقوة ويغفر آثامنا فلنعرفه بثبات. | |
For He is God in truth, He became man without change, Glory be to Him, both now and forever. | Je `nqof pe V; 'en oumeqmhi> aferrwmi 'en oumet`at]ib;> `ere pi`wou er`prepi naf> icjen ;nou nem ]a `ene\. | لأنه هو الله بالحقيقة تأنس بغير تغيير المجد يليق به من الآن وإلى الأبد. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Fifth Part | |||
O what mysterious emissions, of God that are for, Mary the Mother of God, the Ever-Virgin. | ~W ninak\i `nNou;> ouo\ `n]ouer`]vhri `mmwou> `nte ;qeotokoc Maria> etoi `mParqenoc `nchou niben. | ياللطلقات الالهية العجيبة التى لوالدة الاله مريم العذراء كل حين. | |
* For she is where, two were united, the undefiled virginity, and the True birth. | # Nai ete `ebol `mmwou> `e`au`i euma eucop> `nje ouparqenia `n`atqwleb> nem oujinmici `mmhi. | هذه التى منها اجتمع معاً بتولية بلا دنس وميلاد حقيقى. | |
For marriage, did not precede birth, neither did the birth, loosen her virginity. | Ou gar `mpe ougamoc> er]orp `epijinmici> oude on `mpe pijinmici> bwl `ebol `ntecparqenia. | لانه لم يسبق الميلاد زواج ولم يحل الميلاد أيضاً بتوليتها | |
* For He who was born is God; born without pain from the Father, and He was also born according to the flesh, without pain for the Virgin. | # Vh gar etaumacf \wc Nou;> `apaqhc `ebol'en ~Viwt> aumacf on kata car[> apaqhc `ebol'en ;Parqenoc. | لان الذى وُلد إله بغير ألم من الآب وُلد أيضاً حسب الجسد بغير ألم من العذراء. | |
One nature out of two, Divinity and Humanity, wherefore the Magi silently, worship uttering His Divinity. | Ouai pe `ebol'en `cnau> oumeqnou; nem oumetrwmi> 'en vai ceouw]t `mmof `nje nimagoc> euxw `nrwou eu`erqe`ologin. | هو اتحاد الاثنين لاهوت وناسوت. ولهذا سجد له المجوس. ساكتين وناطقين بلاهوته. | |
* They offered Him frankincense for He is God, and gold for He is King, and myrrh as a sign, of His Life giving death. | # Au`ini naf `noulibanoc \wc Nou;> nem ounoub \wc Ouro> nem ou]al eu;mhini> `epefmou `nreftan'o. | قدموا له لباناً كأله وذهباً كملك ومراً علامة على موته المحيى. | |
What He accepted was for our sake, through His own will, The One and Only Good Lover of mankind, the Savior of our souls, He came and saved us. | Vai `etaf]opf `erof eqbhten> 'en pefouw] `mmin`mmof> `nje piouai `mmauatf pimairwmi `n`agaqoc `vrefcw; `nnenyuxh> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | هذا الذى قبله من أجلنا بارادته وحده والواحد وحده. محب البشر الصالح مخلص نفوسنا أتى وخلصنا. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Sixth Part | |||
O what a great wonder, He took a rib, from Adam’s side, and created a woman from it. | ~W ;ni]; `n`]vhri> qh`etac`si ejwc `b;bht> `ebol'en pi`cvir `nAdam> ]a`ntouer`plazin `mmoc eu`c\imi. | يا لِعظم أعجوبة أخذ الضلع من جنب أدم وُجبلت منه امرأة. | |
* She gave all the form of humanity, with perfection to the Lord, the Creator, the Word of the Father. | # Piou`w]em thrf `nte ;metrwmi> acthif 'en oujwk `ebol> `mV; pidimiourgoc> ouo\ `nLogoc `nte ~Viwt. | كل عجينة البشرية أعطتها بالكمال لله الخالق وكلمة الآب. | |
This is He who took flesh, from her without change, she gave birth to Him as a human, and He was called Emmanuel. | Vai etafsicar[ `ebol `n'htc> 'en oumetat]ib; `eacmacf> \wc rwmi aumou; epefran> je Emmanouhl. | هذا الذى تجسد منها بغير تغيير ولدته كانسان وُدعى اسمه عمانوئيل. | |
* Let us also entreat her, as the Ever-Theotokos, to intercede on our behalf, before her beloved Son. | # Qai on marentwb\ `mmoc> \wc qeotokoc `nchou niben> eqrecer`precbeuin `e`\rhi ejwn> na\ren pec}hri `mmenrit. | هى أيضاً فلنطلب اليها. كوالدة الاله كل حين أن تشفع فينا لدى ابنها الحبيب. | |
For she is greatly honored, by all the saints and patriarchs, for she has brought to them, the One whom they were waiting for. | Je `ctaihout gar `ema]w> `ntotou `nnheqouab throu> nipatriarxhc je ac`ini nwou> `mvh`etoujou]t `ebol 'ajwf | لانها مكرمة جداً عند جميع القديسين ورؤساء الآباء لانها أتت لهم بمن كانوا ينتظرونه. | |
* And likewise all the prophets, who prophesied about Him, in many ways and various analogies, saying He will come and save us. | # Nem ni`provhthc de on `omoiwc> vh`etafer`provhteuin eqbhtf> 'en ouqo `nrh; nem oumh] `n`cmot> je `fna`i `ntefcw; mmon. | كذلك الانبياء الذين تنبأوا من أجله بأنواع كثيرة وأشباه شتى بأنه يأتى ويخلصنا. | |
And all the prophets, for she is the mother, of the One they preached about, allover the world. | Nem ni`apoctoloc eucop> je `nqoc pe ;refjve> `mvh`etou`erkurizin> `mmof 'en ;oikoumenh thrc. | والرسل معاً لأنها هى والدة الذى كرزوا به فى كل المسكونة. | |
* The struggling martyrs, for out of her came, the Founder of the True struggle, our Lord Jesus Christ. | # Ni`aqlithc `mmarturoc> je af`i `ebol `n'htc> `nje pou`agoinoqethc> `mmhi pen_ Ihcouc Pixrictoc. | والشهداء المجاهدين لأنه قد خرج منها واضع جهادهم الحقيقى ربنا يسوع المسيح. | |
Wherefore let us glorify, the greatness of His wealth, and His endless wisdom, pleading for His great mercy. | Vai maren;`wou `n;metni];> `nte tefmetrama`o eto]> nem tefcovia `nataurhjc> en`eretin `mpefni]; `nnai. | هذا فلنمجد عظمة غناه الجزيل وحكمته التى لا تحد سائلين رحمته العظيمة. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Seventh Part | |||
The Lord has sworn in truth to David, and did not turn from it, that from the fruit of your body, I will set upon your throne. | Afwrk `nje ~P_ `nDauid 'en oumeqmhi> ouo\ `nnefjolf je> `ebol'en `pouta\ `nte tekneji> ;naxw \ijen pek`qronoc. | أقسم الربُ لداود بالحق ولم يحنث أن من ثمرة بطنك أضع على كرسيك. | |
* So when the righteous one, asked with all his heart, that Christ be born there according to the flesh, he asked earnestly. | # ~Oqen etafqwt `n\ht> `nje pi`qmhi je `ebol `mmof> cena`jvo `mPixrictoc kata car[> afkw; akribwc. | فلهذا لما طاب البار قلباً أن منه يولد المسيح حسب الجسد. طلب باجتهاد. | |
To find a dwelling place, for the Lord God the Word, and this was completed, with a great mystery. | ~Ejimi `nouma`n]wpi> `mP_ V; piLogoc ouo\ vai afkojf `ebol> 'en ouni]; `n`]rwic. | أن يجد مسكناً للرب الاله الكلمة وهذا أكمله بسر عظيم. | |
* And he instantly cried out, through the Spirit saying, “We have heard it in Ephrathah, which is Bethlehem.” | # Ouo\ catotf afw] `ebol> 'en pi~Pneumva efjw `mmoc> je ancoqmec 'en Evraqa> ete Bhqleem te. | وللوقت صرخ بالروح قائلا إنا قد سمعنا فى افراثة التى هي بيت لحم. | |
The place where our God Emmanuel, has chosen to be born, according to the flesh, for our salvation. | Pima `etaferkata[ioin `mmof> `nje Emmanouhl pennou;> eqrou`jvof `n'htf kata car[> eqbe vhete vwn `noujai. | الموضع الذى تفضل عمانوئيل الهنا أن يُولد فيه حسب الجسد من أجل خلاصنا. | |
* As Micah the prophet, also proclaimed saying, “You also O Bethlehem, the land of Ephrathah. | # Kata `vrh; on `etafjoc> `nje Mixeoc pi`provhthc> je nem `nqo \wi Bhqleem> `pka\i `nEvraqa. | كما قال أيضاً ميخا النبى وأنتِ أيضاً يابيت لحم أرض افراثه. | |
“Are by no means the least, among the rulers of Judah, for out of you shall come a ruler, who will shephered My people Israel.” | ~Nqo oukouji an `ebol> 'en nimet\hgemwn `nte Ioude`a> ef`e`i gar `ebol `n'h; `nje ou\hgoumenoc> vh`eqna`amoni `mpalaoc pI]rahl. | لست الصغرى بين ولايات يهوذا. لأنه منكِ يخرج مدبر يرعى شعبى إسرائيل. | |
* O what an accord, of all these prophets, who prophesied with this one Spirit, for the Coming of Christ. | # ~W nim naicumvwnia> `nte nai`provhthc eucop> nh`etau`er`provhteuin 'en pai~Pneuma `nouwt> eqbe `pjin`i `mPixrictoc. | يالهذا التوافق الذى لأولئك الأنبياء الذين تنبأوا بهذا الروح الواحد من أجل مجئ المسيح. | |
This is He who is worthy of glory, with His Good Father, and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever. | Vai `ere pi`wou er`prepi naf> nem Pefiwt `n`agaqoc> nem pi~Pneuma eqouab> icjen ;nou nem ]a `ene\. | هذا الذى ينبغى له المجد مع ابيه الصالح والروح القدس منذ الآن وإلى الأبد. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Eighth Part | |||
The One of the Trinity, coessential to the Father, when He looked upon our tribulation, and our bitter slavery. | Piouai `ebol'en ;~Triac> pi`omoucioc nem ~Viwt> `etafnau `epenqebi`o> nem tenmetbwk etoi `n]a]i. | الواحد من الثالوث المساوى للآب فى الجوهر لما نظر إلى مذلتنا وعبوديتنا المرة. | |
* He bowed the heaven of heavens, and come to the womb of the Virgin, He became man like us, save for sin only. | # Afrek nivhou`i `nte nivhou`i> af`i `eqmhtra `n;Parqenoc> aferrwmi `mpenrh;> ]aten `vnobi `mmauatf. | طأطأ سماء السموات وأتى إلى بطن العذراء وصار إنساناً مثلنا ماخلا الخطية وحدها. | |
When He was born in Bethlehem, according to the prophecies, He saved and redeemed us, for we are Hus people. | ~Etaumacf 'en Bhqleem> kata ni`cmh `nte ni`provhthc> aftoujon afcw; `mmon> je anon pe peflaoc. | لما وُلد فى بيت لحم كأخبار الأنبياء أنقدنا وخلصنا لأننا نحن شعبه. | |
* He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | # Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. | |
Ninth Part | |||
I saw a miracle that appeared in heaven, a woman is clothed with the sun, and the moon also, was under her feet. | Ainau `eoumhini afou`on\f 'en `tve> ic ou`c\imi ecjol\ `m`vrh> `nqoc on `ere piio\> capecht `nnecsalauj. | رأيت آية ظهرت فى السماء إذ بامرأة متسربلة بالشمس والقمر أيضاً تحت رجليها. | |
* Upon her head was a crown of twelve stars, she being with a child cried out in labor, and in pain to give birth. | # ~Ere ouon met`cnau> `nciou oi `xlom ejen tec`ave> ec`mboki ec;nak\i> ecw] `ebol ecnamici. | واثنا عشر كوكباً تكلل رأسها وهى حبلى تتمخض صارخة لتلد. | |
This is Mary, the New heaven on the earth, the Sun of Righteousness, shines upon us from her. | ~Ete qai te Maria> ;ve `mberi et\ijen pika\i> `eta pirh `nte ;meqmhi> ]ai nan `ebol `n'htc. | هي مريم السماء الجديدة التى على الأرض المشرقة لنا منها شمس البر. | |
* For the Sun that is clothing her, is our Lord Jesus Christ, and the moon under her feet, is John the Baptist. | # Pirh gar `etecjol\ `mmof> pe pen_ Ihcouc Pixrictoc> ouo\ piio\ et'a necsalauj> pe Iwannhc piref;wmc. | لأن الشمس المتسربلة بها هي ربنا يسوع المسيح والقمر الذى تحت رجليها هو يوحنا المعمدان. | |
For the crown of twelve stars, upon her head are the twelve apostles, who surround her, and honor her. | Pimet`cnau gar `nciou> etoi `n`xlom `ejen tec`ave> pe pimet`cnau `n`apoctoloc> eukw; eroc eu;taio nac. | والإثنا عشر كوكباً المكللة رأسها هي الإثنا عشر رسولآ يحيطون بها ويكرمونها. | |
* Wherefore all ye nations, let us glorify the Virgin, for she gave birth to God, and her virginity remained sealed. | # Eqbe vai nilaoc throu> maren;`wou `n;Parqenoc> je acmici nan `mV;> ectob `nje tecparqeni`a. | فلهذا ياجميع الشعوب نمجد العذراء لأنها ولدت لنا الله وبتوليتها مختومة. | |
He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us. | Etafkhn an efoi `nNou;> af`i af]wpi `n}hri `nrwmi> alla `nqof pe V; `mmhi> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | لم يزل إلهاً أتى وصار إبن بشر لكنه هو الإله الحقيقى أتى وخلصنا. |