Monday Theotokia | |||
The First Part | |||
While Adam was sad, God was pleased, to bring him back, to his leadership. | Adam `eti efoi> `nemka\`n\ht> af;ma; `nje ~P_> `etacqof `etefarxh. | آدم بينما هو حزين سُرّ الربُّ أن يردّه إلى رئاسته. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Second Part | |||
Eve who was tempted, by the serpent, was condemned, by the Lord. | Eua qhetafer\al> `mmoc `nje pi\of> acsi `apovacic> `ebol\iten ~P_. | حواء التى أغرتها الحية حُكم عليها من قِبَل الرب. | |
"For in abundance, I will greatly multiply, your sorrows, and your sighs." | Je 'en ou`a]ai> ;na`qrou`a]ai> `nje neemka\`n\ht> nem nefi`a\om. | إنّ بالكثرة أكثر أحزانك وتنهداتك. | |
Yet God felt compassionate, through his love for man, and was pleased, to free her once again. | Af]en\ht `nje ~P_> \iten tefmetmairwmi> af;ma; `nkecop> `eaic `nrem\e. | تحنن الرب من قِبَل محبته للبشَر وسُرّ مرة أخرى بعتقها. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Third Part | |||
Jesus Christ the Word, who came and took flesh, he dwelt in us, and we saw His glory. | Ihcouc Pixrictoc pilogoc> `etafsicar[> af]wpi `n'hten> annau `epef`wou. | يسوع المسيح الكلمة الذى تجسد وحلّ فينا ورأينا مجده. | |
Like the glory of the only Son, of His Father, He was pleased, to redeem us. | ~M`vrh; `m`p`wou> `nou]hri `mmauatf> `ntotf `mpefiwt> af;ma; `e`vna\men . | مثل مجد إبن وحيد لأبيه. قد سُرّ أن يخلصنا. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Fourth Part | |||
Isaiah has seen, the mysteries, of Emmanuel, with prophetic insight. | Nafnau 'en nibal> `m`provhtikon> `epimucthrion> `nte Emmanouhl. | كان ينظر بأعين النبوة إلى سرّ عمانوئيل. | |
Wherefore, the great prophet, shouted out proclaiming, and saying. | ~Nje ~Hca`hac> pini]; `mprovhthc> eqbe vai afw] `ebol> efjw `mmoc. | إشعياء النبى العظيم فلهذا صرخ قائلا. | |
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, the government shall be, upon His shoulder. | Je aumici nan `nou`alou> au;nan `nou]hri> vhetere tefarxh> xh \ijen tefna\bi. | إنه وُلِدَ لنا ولدٌ وأُعطينا إبناً رئاسته على كتفه. | |
He is God the powerful, and the Counselor, the Angel, of the great wisdom. | V; vhetjor> `n`e [ouciacthc> ouo\ piaggeloc> `nte pini]; `ncosni. | الإله القوى المتسلط وملاكُ المشورة العُظمى. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Fifth Part | |||
Rejoice and be happy, O human race, for God so revealed, His love to the world. | Ra]i ouo\ qelhl> `w `pgenoc `nnirwmi> je pairh; `aV;> menre pikocmoc. | إفرحوا وتهللوا يا جنس البشر لأنه هكذا أحب الله العالم. | |
That He gave, His beloved Son, for those who believe in Him, so that they may live forever. | |wcte `ntef;> `mpef]hri `mmenrit> 'a nheqna\; `erof> eqrouwn' ]a `ene\. | حتى بذل إبنه الحبيب عن المؤمنين به لكى يحيوا إلى الأبد. | |
For He has overcome, by His mercy, and sent unto us, His Almighty Arm. | Au`sro gar `erof> \iten tefmet]en\ht> ouo\ afouwrp nan> `mpef`jvoi etsoci. | لأنه غُلب من تحننه وأرسل لنا ذراعه العالية. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Sixth Part | |||
He who is, and who was, who has come, who is to come again. | Vhet]op> vh`enaf]op> vhetaf`i> palin on `fnhou. | الكائن الذى كان الذى أتى وأيضا يأتى. | |
Jesus Christ the Word, who was incarnate, without alteration, became a perfect man. | Ihcouc Pixrictoc pilogoc> etafsicar[> 'en `oumetat]ibt> af]wpi `nrwmi `ntelioc. | يسوع المسيح الكلمة الذى تجسد بغير تغيير وصار إنساناً كاملاً. | |
Without alteration of His being, or mingling or separation, of any kind, after the unity. | ~Mpefjw] `mpefqw'> oude `mpefvwrj> kata `\li `n`cmot> menenca ;metouai. | لم يفض ولم يختلط ولم يفترق بشئ من الأنواع من بعد اللإتحاد. | |
But He is of one nature, one hypostasis, and one person, for God the Word. | Alla `ouvucic `nouwt> ou\upoctacic `nouwt> ou`procopon `nouwt> `nte V; pilogoc. | بل بطبيعة واحدة وأقنوم واحد وشخص واحد لله الكلمة. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Seventh Part: | |||
Hail to Bethlehem, the city of the prophets, where Christ the second Adam, was born. | Xere Bhqleem> `tpolic `nniprovhthc> qhetaumec Pixrictoc `n'htc> pima\`cnau `nAdam. | السلام لبيت لحم مدينة الأنبياء التى وُلِدَ فيها المسيح آدم الثانى. | |
In order to bring Adam, the first man, who was made of dust, back to Paradise. | |ina `nteftacqo `nAdam> pi\ouit `nrwmi> pi `ebol'en `pka\i> `epiparadicoc. | لكى يردّ آدم الإنسان الأول الترابى إلى الفردوس. | |
And to absolve, the decree of death saying, "Adam you are from dust, and to dust you shall return." | Ouo\ `ntefbwl `ebol> `n`t`apovacic `m`vmou> je Adam `nqok `ouka\i> `xnatacqok `e`pka\i. | ويحلّ قضية الموت أنك يا آدم أنت تراب والى التراب تعود. | |
For in the place, where sin has abounded, the grace of Christ, has abounded more. | Pima gar `etaf`a]ai> `mmof `nje vnobi> af`er\ou`o `a]ai `n'htf> `nje pi`\mot `mPixrictoc. | لأن الموضع الذى كثرت فيه الخطية تفاضلت فيه نعمة المسيح. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Eighth Part | |||
All the souls, rejoice and sing, with the angels, and praise Christ the King. | ~Yuxh niben ra]i> ouo\ ceerxwreuin> nem niaggeloc> eu\wc `e`pouro Pixrictoc. | كل الأنفس تفرح وترتل مع الملائكة مسبحين الملك المسيح. | |
Proclaiming and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, and goodwill toward men." | Euw] `ebol eujw `mmoc> je ou`wou 'en nhetsoci `mV;> nem ou\irhnh \ijen pika\i> nem ou;ma; 'en nirwmi. | وصارخين قائلين المجد لله فى الأعالى وعلى الأرض السلام وفى الناس المسرة. | |
For He has destroyed, the middle wall, and killed the enmity, with perfection. | Je afbwl gar `ebol> `mpijin`i `e`qmh;> af'wteb 'en oujwk> `n;metjaji. | لأنه حلّ الحاجز وقتل العداوة بالكمال. | |
He has torn, the verdict of slavery, pronounced on Adam and Eve, and He freed them. | Afvw' `mpi`c'i `njij> `nte ;metbwk> `nte Adam nem Eu`a> afaitou `nrem\e. | ومزّق كتاب يد العبودية التى لآدم وحواء وحررهما. | |
He who was born for us, in the city of David, is our Savior Jesus, as the angel said. | ~Nje vhetafmacf nan> 'en `qbaki `nDauid> kata `pcaji `mpiaggeloc> Pencwthr Ihcouc. | الذى وُلِدَ لنا فى مدينة داود مخلصنا يسوع المسيح كقول الملاك. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. | |
The Ninth Part | |||
God is light, He abides in light, and the angels of light, sing unto Him. | ~Ououwini pe V;> ef]wp 'en piouwini> \anaggeloc nouwini> `eter\umnoc `erof. | الله هو نور وساكن فى النور تسبحه ملائكة النور. | |
The light has shone, from Mary, and Elizabeth, gave birth to the forerunner. | A piouwini ]ai> `ebol'en Mari`a> `aElicabet mici> `mpi`prodromoc. | النور أشرق من مريم. واليصابات ولدت السابق. | |
The Holy Spirit, woke up in David, and said "Arise and sing, for the light has shone." | A pipneuma eqouab> ne\ci 'en Dauid> je twnk `ariyalin> je `a piouwini ]ai. | الروح القدس أيقظ داود قائلاً قم رتل لأن النور قد أشرق. | |
So David the Psalmist, and the saint, rose up and took, his spiritual stringed instrument | Aftwnf `nje Dauid> pi\umnodoc eqouab> afsi `ntefkuqara> `m`pneumatikon. | فقام داود المرتل القديس وأخذ قيثارته الروحيه. | |
He went to the temple, the house of the angels, he praised and sang to, the holy Trinity. | Af\wl `e;ek`klhci`a> `phi `nte niaggeloc> af\wc afer\umnoc> `e;`triac eqouab. | ومضى إلى البيعة بيت الملائكة فسبّح ورتّل للثالوث القدوس. | |
Saying "In Your light, O Lord we will see light, let Your mercy come, to those who know You." | Je 'en pekouwini> ~P_ en`enau `eouwini> maref`i `nje peknai> `nnhetcwoun `mmok. | قائلاً بنورك يارب نعاين نوراً فلتأت رحمتك للذين يعرفونك. | |
O true Light, that shines upon, every man, that comes into the world. | Piouwini `nta`vmhi> vh`eterouwini> `erwmi niben> eqnhou `epikocmoc. | أيها النور الحقيقى الذى يضئ لكل أنسان آتياً إلى العالم. | |
You have come into the world, through Your love for man, and all the creation, rejoiced at Your coming. | Ak`i `epikocmoc> \iten tekmetmairwmi> `a;`kthcic thrc> qelhl 'a pekjini. | أتيت إلى العالم بمحبتك للبشر وكل الخليقة تهللت بمجيئك. | |
You have saved Adam, from the seduction, and delivered Eve, from the pangs of death. | Akcw; `nAdam> `ebol'en ;`apath> aker Eu`a `nrem\e> 'en ninak\i `nte `vmou. | خلصت آدم من الغواية وأعتقت أمنا حواء من طلقات الموت. | |
You gave unto us, the Spirit of sonship, we praise and bless You, with Your angels. | Ak; nan `mpipneuma> `nte ;met]hri> en\wc en`cmou `erok> nem nekaggeloc. | أعطيتنا روح البنوة نسبحك ونباركك مع ملائكتك. | |
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us. | Af]ai cwmatikwc> `ebol'en ;parqenoc> asne `cperma `nrwmi> ]a `ntefcw; `mmon. | أشرق جسدياً من العذراء بغير زرع بشرٍ حتى خلصنا. |