Saturday Theotokia | |||
First Part | |||
O chaste and undefiled, holy in everything, who brought God for us, carried in her arms. | :`atqwleb `ncemne> ouo\ eqouab 'en \wb niben> qh`etac`ini nan `mV;> eftalhout `ejen nec`jvoi. | أيتها الغير دنسة العفيفة. القديسة في كل شئ. التى قدمت لنا. الله محمولا علي ذراعيها. | |
+ The whole creation rejoiced with you, proclaiming and saying, "Hail to you O full of grace, the Lord is with you." | # ~Cra]i neme `nje ;`kthcic thrc> ecw] `ebol ecjw `mmoc> je xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | تفرح معكِ كل الخليقة. صارخة قائلة. السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. الرب معكِ. | |
Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Second Part | |||
+ We are elated by your greatness, O prudent Virgin, and send unto you greetings, with Gabriel the angel. | # Ten`ermakarizin `ntemetni];> `w ;Parqenoc `ncabh> ten; ne `mpixereticmoc> nem Gabrihl pi`aggeloc. | نغبط عظمتك. أيتها العذراء الحكيمه. ونعطيك السلام. مع غبريال الملاك. | |
For through your fruit, salvation came to our race, and God has reconciled with us once again, through his goodness. | Je `ebol\iten pekarpoc> `a pioujai ta\e pengenoc> `aV; \otpen `erof `nkecop> \iten tefmet`agaqoc. | لأن من قبل ثمرتك. أدرك الخلاص جنسنا. وأصلحنا الله مره أخرى. من قبل صلاحه. | |
+ Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | # Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Third Part | |||
Like a bride without blemish, the Holy Spirit came upon you, and the power of the most high, overshadowed you O Mary. | |wc ma`n]elet `nattako> `api~Pn/a/ eqouab `i `ejw> oujom `nte vh`etsoci> eqna`er'hibi `ero Maria. | كخدر بغير فساد. الروح القدس حل عليك. وقوه العلى. ظللتك يا مريم. | |
+ For you have given birth, to the true Word, the Son of the ever-existing Father, who came and redeemed us from our sins. | # Je `are`jvo `mpi`alhqinoc> `nLogoc `n}hri `nte ~Viwt> eqmhn ebol ]a `ene\> af`i afcotten 'en nennobi. | لانك ولدت. الكلمه الحقيقى أبن الاب. الدائم الى الابد. أتى وخلصنا من خطايانا. | |
Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Fourth Part | |||
+ You are the offspring, and root of David, who has given birth for us according to the flesh, our Savior Jesus Christ. | # ~Nqo gar pe pigenoc> nem ;nouni `nte Dauid> `aremici nan kata car[> `mpenCwthr Ihcouc Pixrictoc. | أنت هى جنس. وأصل داود. ولدت لنا جسديا. مخلصنا يسوع المسيح. | |
The only begotten of the Father, before all ages, emptied Himself and took the form of a servant, from you for our salvation. | Pimonogenhc `ebol'en ~Viwt> 'ajwou `nni`ewn throu> af]ouwf `ebol `mmin`mmof afsi `noumorvh `mbwk `n'h;> eqbe penoujai. | الوحيد من الاب. قبل كل الدهور. أخلى ذاته وأخذ شكل عبد. منكِ لأجل خلاصنا. | |
+ Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | # Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Fifth Part | |||
You became a second heaven, on earth O Mother of God, for out of you the Sun of righteousness, shone upon us. | Are]wpi `nouma\ `cnou; `mve> \ijen pika\i `w ;macnou;> je af]ai nan `ebol `n'h;> `nje pirh `nte ;dike`ocunh. | صرت سماء ثانيه. على الارض يا والده الاله. لأنه أشرق لنا منك. شمس البر. | |
+ You gave birth to Him according to the prophecies, without seed or corruption, for He is the Creator, and the Word of the Father. | # Are`jvof \iten ou`provhti`a> asne `jroj `n`attako> \wc dhmiourgoc> ouo\ `nLogoc `nte ~Viwt. | ولدته كالنبوه. بغير زرع ولا فساد. وهو الخالق. وكلمه الاب. | |
Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Sixth Part | |||
+ The tabernacle which was called, the holy of holies, which contains the Ark, overlaid roundabout with gold. | # :`ckhnh qh`etoumou; `eroc> je qheqouab `nte ni`eqouab> `ere ;kibwtoc `n'htc> eto]j `nnoub `ncaca niben. | القبه التى تدعى. قدس الاقداس. التى فيها التابوت. المصفح بالذهب من كل ناحيه. | |
Wherein are the tablets, of the covenant, and the golden pot, wherein the manna was hidden. | Qh `ere ni`pla[ `n'htc> `nte ;di`aqhkh> nem pi`ctamnoc `nnoub> `ere pimanna \hp `n'htf. | التى فيها. لوحا العهد. والقسط الذهبى. المخفى فيه المن. | |
+ This is a symbol of the Son of God, who came and dwelt in Mary, the undefiled Virgin, and was incarnate from her. | # ~Foi `ntupoc `m`p}hri `mV;> `etaf`i af]wpi 'en Maria> ;Parqenoc `n`atqwleb> afsicar[ `ebol`n'htc. | هو مثال لابن الله. الذى أتى وحل فى مريم. العذراء غير الدنسه. وتجسد منها. | |
She gave birth to Him unto the world, in unity without separation, for He is the King of glory, who came and saved us. | Ac`jvof `epikocmoc> 'en oumetouai `n`atvwrj> alla `nqof pe ~Pouro `nte `p`wou> af`i ouo\ afcw; `mmon. | ولدته للعالم. باتحاد بغير أفتراق. أذ هو ملك المجد. أتى وخلصنا. | |
+ Paradise rejoiced, at the coming of the Lamb, the Word the Son of the ever existing Father, who came and redeemed us from our sins. | # Piparadicoc `e`]lhlou`i> je af`i `nje pi|ihb> `nLogoc `n}hri `nte Viwt eqmhn `ebol ]a `ene\> af`i afcotten 'en nennobi. | يتهلل الفردوس. بمجىء الحمل الكلمه. أبن الاب الدائم الى الابد. ليخلصنا من خطايانا. | |
Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Seventh Part | |||
+ You are called the Mother of God, the true King, and after He was born from you, miraculously you remained a virgin. | # Aumou; `ero je `qmau `mV;> piOuro `mmhi menenca `qremacf> `are`o\i `ereoi `mparqenoc> 'en ou\wb `mparado[on. | دعيتِ ام الله. الملك الحقيقى. وبعد ما ولدته. بقيت عذراء بأمر عجيب. | |
Emmanuel whom you have born, has kept you, without corruption, and your virginity remained sealed. | Emmanouhl vh`etare`jvof> eqbe vai af`are\ `ero> `ereoi `n`attako> ectob `nje teparqeni`a. | عمانوئيل الذى ولدته. هو حفظك. بغير فساد. وبتوليتك مختومه. | |
+ Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | # Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Eighth Part | |||
You were likened to the ladder, which Jacob saw, rising up to heaven, with the awesome God standing above it. | Aretenqwn; `e;mouki> qh`etaIakwb nau `eroc> ecsoci ]a `e`\rhi `e`tve> `ere ~P_ \ijwc 'en ou\o;. | شبهت بالسلم. الذى رآه يعقوب. مرتفعا الى السماء. والرب المخوف عليه. | |
+ We hail the one who did accept, the Uncircumscript in her womb, and her virginity, was sealed from all sides. | # Xere ne `ebol\itoten> `w qh`etac]wp `eroc `mpi`axwritoc> 'en tecmhtria `mparqenikh> ouo\ ec]otem `ncaca niben. | سلامنا الى من قبلت. غير المحوى فى بطنها. وبتوليتها مختومة. من كل ناحية. | |
You have become our intercessor, before God our Savior, who became incarnate of you, for our salvation. | Are]wpi nan `nou`proctathc> na\ren V; penrefcw;> vh`etafsicar[ `ebol`n'h;> eqbe penoujai. | صرت لنا شفيعه. أمام الله مخلصنا. الذى تجسد منك. لآجل خلاصنا. | |
+ Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | # Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. | |
Ninth Part | |||
Behold the Lord came out of you, O blessed and perfect one, to save the world which He has created, according to His many tender mercies. | |hppe ic ~P_ af`i `ebol`n'h;> `w qhet`cmamat etjhk `ebol> `eno\em `mpikocmoc `etafqamiof> eqbe nefmet]en\ht eto]. | هوذا الرب خرج منك. ايتها المباركه الكاملة. ليخلص العالم الذى خلقه. حسب كثره رأفاته. | |
+ We praise and glorify Him, and exalt Him above all, as a good One and Lover of man, have mercy on us according to Your great mercy. | # Ten\wc `erof ten;`wou naf> tener\ou`o sici `mmof> \wc agaqoc ouo\ `mmairwmi> nai nan kata pekni]; `nnai. | نسبحه ونمجده. ونزيده علوا. كصالح ومحب البشر. ارحمنا كعظيم رحمتك. | |
Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you. | Xere qheqme\ `n`\mot> xere qh`etacjem `\mot> xere qh`etacmec Pixrictoc> ouo\ ~P_ ]op neme. | السلام لك يا ممتلئة نعمة. السلام لك يا من وجدت نعمة. السلام لك يا من ولدت المسيح. الرب معك. |