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General Funeral Service

The Church has dedicated the Passion Week for the commemoration of the death of our Lord Jesus for our sins, so that the believers would be in continuous worship, prayer and observation in our Lord’s sacrifice. Therefore, no incense is to be raised for a deprated during that period except on Thursday and Saturday. Also, no funerals are to be made because the church is occupied by the comemmoration of the Lord’s death on its behalf. Hence, the Church has arrange the General Funeral Service after the Liturgy of Palm Sunday on any of congregation that God may choose to depart during the period of the Passion Week. In case of departure, it would be sufficient to attend the Pascha prayers and the chapters of the Funeral would be read without raise of incense and the Prayer of the Departed.

Introduction to Pauline Epistle

For the rising of those who have fallen asleep and reposed in the faith of Christ, O God, repose all their souls.

Eqbe ;`anactacic `nte nirefmwout nh`etauenkot auemton `mmwou 'en `vna\; `mPi`xrictoc> ~P_ ma`mton `nnouyuxh throu .

من أجل قيامة الموات الذين رقدوا وتنيحوا فى الإيمان بالمسيح، يا رب نيح نفوسهم أجمعين.

Paul, the servant of Jesus Christ, the called apostle, separated to the Gospel of God.

Pauloc `vbwk `mPensoic Ihcouc Pi`xrictoc> pi`apoctoloc etqa\em vhetauqa]f `epi\i]ennoufi `nte V;.

بولس عبد ربنا يسوع المسيح. الرسول المدعو المفرز لكرازة الله.

Pauline Epistle (1 Corinthians 15:1-27)

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received …

:tamou de `mmwten na `cnhou> `epieyaggelion> vhetau\i]ennoufi `mmof nwten> vh`ete pe `etaretensitf ...

وأعرفكم يا أخوتى بالإنجيل الذى بشرتكم به الذى فبلتموه ...

Conclusion to Pauline Epistle

Grace and peace be with you all. Amen.

Pi`\mot gar nemwten nem `t\hrhnh eucon je `amhn ec `e]wpi.

النعمة معكم والسلام معاً آمين يكون.

The priest says the Prayer of the Gospel and the Psalm is read in the Attriby sad tune. The priest says the three long prayers (Peace, Fathers and Congregation) followed by the Orthodox Creed. The priest says the Prayer of the Departed and the three absolutions. Then the priest raises the cross and says “Evnoti nai nan ...” in the Pascha tune, and the congregation replies “Kerie eleison …” twelve times, followed by the hymn of “Epouro ...” in the sad tune. Then the priest says the blessings and gives the permission the congregation to leave while sprinkling them with the water prayed upon during the General Funeral.