



May 27, 2025 - Bashans 19, 1741

Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St.Isidorus (Isidore) of Antioch

This day also marks the commemoration of the martyrdom of St. Isidore. He was born in Antioch and his father's name was Bandalaon, who was one of the noble men in the empire of Diocletian, and his mother's name was Sofia. He had a sister whose name was Ophimia, and their parents taught them the Christian faith.

When Diocletian apostatized, St. Bandalaon and his son Isidore left all their possessions and went secretly to a mountain where they lived with a holy man whose name was Abba Samuel.

When the Emperor knew of what had happened, he brought them before him, and he tried to persuade Bandalaon with promises, then threatened him. When he refused, not paying attention to what he was saying, he cut off his head. St. Isidore, who was only twelve years old, was tortured with different kinds of tortures. His mother and sister were beside him, comforting him and strengthening him to endure. Then the Emperor ordered them to be beheaded. They received the crowns of life.

God performed many miracles on the hands of this Saint, and many believed through him and were martyred.

May his prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.