March 23, 2025 - Baramhat 14, 1741 Martyrdom of St.Shenouda (Sinouti) El Bahnasawy On this day also St. Shenouda (Sinouti) El Bahnasawy was martyred. Certain men laid accusations against him before Maximianus, a governor appointed by Diocletian, that he was Christian. The Governor brought him, and asked him about his faith, and the Saint confessed his faith in the Lord Christ and that He was the True God. He ordered the soldiers to throw him on the ground, to beat him with hammers until his flesh was torn, and his blood flew on the ground, then they casted him into a prison with repulsive odor. The Lord sent Michael the Archangel to him, healed his wounds, encouraged and strengthened him. He told him that he will receive the crown of glory after he had endured what would befall him from severe tortures. On the next morning the Governor ordered his soldiers to go and look at him, and they found him standing up praying. When they told the Governor about him and when he saw him whole and un-harmed, he was amazed and said: 'He is a sorcerer.' Then he ordered to crucify him with his head downwards, and to light fire under him, but it did not harm him. They squeezed him with the wheel and finally they beheaded him and hacked his body into pieces with swords and casted him to the dogs which did not come near him. During the night the believers took him and poured over him expensive perfumes, shrouded him in costly wrappings, laid him in a coffin and buried him. May his prayers be with us. Amen. |