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First Absolution

We thank Thee, O our Compassionate King, that Thou hast granted us to pass this day in peace, and brought us thankfully to the evening, and made us worthy to behold the light until evening. O God, accept our glorification which we have offered Thee at this time. Deliver us from the intrigues of the adversary, and annul all his snares set against us, and grant us a peaceful night free from all pain, restlessness, fatigue, or illusion, that we may pass through it in peace and chastity, and rise up to give praises and prayers at all times and everywhere, ascribing glory unto Thy holy Name, together with the Father who is incomprehensible and without beginning, and the Holy Spirit, the Life giver, Who is equal with Thee both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

نَشْكُركَ يا مَلِكنا المتَحنِّنْ، لأنَّكَ مَنَحتَنا أنْ نَعبُر هَذا اليَوْمِ بِسَلامَةٍ وأتَيْتَ بِنا إلَى المَساءِ شاكِرينَ، وجَعلْتَنا مُسْتحِقّينَ أنْ نَنْظُر النّورَ إلَى الَمَساءِ. اللَّهُمَّ اقْبَلْ تَمْجيدَنا هَذا الَّذى صارَ الآنَ، ونَجِّنا مِن حِيَلِ المُضادِّ، وابْطِلْ سائِرَ فِِخاخِهِ المنْصوبَةِ لَنا. هَبْ لَنا فى هَذِه اللَّيْلَةِ المقْبِلَةِ سَلامَةً بِغَيْرِ ألَمٍ ولا قَلَقٍ ولا تَعَبٍ ولا خَيالٍ، لِنَجْتازَها أيْضاً بسَلامٍ وعَفافٍ، ونَنْهَضُ للتَّسابيحِ والصَّلَواتِ كُلَّ حيٍن وفى كُلِّ مَكانٍ نُمجِّد إسْمَكَ القُدّوسَ فى كُلِّ شَئٍ مَعَ الآبِ غَيْرِ المدْرَكِ ولا المبْتَدئ. والرّوحِ القُدُسِ المحْيي المُساوى لَكَ الآنَ وكُلّ أوانٍ وإلَى دَهرِ الدُّهور. آمين.