Home > Books
 | ANBA ABRAAM: The Friend of the Poor by: Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty
This book, which is in your hands, is not merely a collection
of stories and narrations about our father, "Anba
Abraam," but it is an attempt to reveal the life he had lived
in his innermost soul. Read more. Rating: None
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 | Agpeya edited by: Ihab Fanous
The book of the hourly prayers in English and Arabic Rating: 2.3
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 | Born Crucified by: H. G. Bishop Moussa
The book shows a journey to the cross which accompanied our Lord before His infinite birth, on His birth, up until He was taken up to Heaven. Read more. Rating: 4
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 | Calmness by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
This book is about calmness, and is part of a larger spiritual
compilation, 'Landmarks of the Spiritual Way', which we hope
will be published shortly, if God wills Rating: None
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 | Comparative Theology by: H. H. Pope Shounda III
This book speaks with absolute frankness about handling the points of variance between Protestantism and Orthodoxy. Read more. Rating: None
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 | Contemplations on the Sermon on the Mount by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
Some people say that the insights of the "Sermon on the
Mount" are the statutes and the regulations of Christianity
and we add that they are the highest instructions ever known to
man. Read more. Rating: None
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 | How to Benefit from the Liturgy by: H. G. Bishop Mettaous
- the meal of doctrinal liturgy of the catechumens
- the meal of spiritual worshipping in the liturgy of believers, or the sacrificial liturgy
- then the communion of the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord God Emmanuel, which we partake of in a worthily manner and have Christ abiding in us, as the Lord promised : “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him” (John 6:56) Rating: 5
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 | How to Relate to Children by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
In this book, we need to talk about the child, his mentality and how to relate to him and gain his love, and to serve him spiritually, socially and culturally. Read more. Rating: None
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 | Isolated Minority by: Edward Wakin
The book discusses the conditions of the Coptic people as an isolated minority in the world Rating: None
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 | Life of Saint Antony by: St. Athanasius
The life and conversation of our holy Father, Antony: written and sent to the monks in foreign parts by our Father among the Saints, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria. Read more. Rating: None
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 | Monasticism
Egypt has always been the cradle of monastic life, since the founder of monasticism is St Anthony the great, who is from Upper Egypt. Read more. Rating: None
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 | Mountain Temptation by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
Why does God allow temptation for everyone, even His saints? What is the benefit of the temptation? Why was Jesus put into temptation? How did Jesus defeat satan? What is relation between the mountain temptation with the salvation? Rating: None
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 | Return to God by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
Sin is the state of being separated from God and His saints. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Angels by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
The creation of the angels as souls of light
Their number, their holiness, and their ranks
The archangel Mikhail and the archangel Gabriel
The cherubim and the seraphim
The work of the angels with God
Their work in the second coming
Their work in annunciation and in delivering messages
Their work in mercy, and their guarding
Their work in punishment
Others jobs
Satan, his origin, his fa. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Coptic morning service for the Lord's day by: John, Marquis of Bute
The object of the present little book is to provide English speaking
travellers in Egypt with a means of following intelligently
the Sunday morning service of the native Christians. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Coptic morning service for the Lord's day by: Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Marquess of
The object of the present little book is to provide English speaking
travellers in Egypt with a means of following intelligently
the Sunday morning service of the native Christians. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Hermit Fathers by: Fr. Samaan El-Souriany
This book is an account of the virtuous asceticism and admirable way of life of the holy and blessed wilderness fathers. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Holy Euchologion edited by: Ihab Fanous
The book of the three liturgies in English, Coptic and Arabic Rating: None
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 | The Holy Psalmody edited by: Ihab Fanous
The book of the praises in English, Coptic and Arabic Rating: 5
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 | The Life of Thanksgiving by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
Life of Thanksgiving - Fields of Thanksgiving - Virtues relating to Thanksgiving - Why We Give Thanks? Rating: None
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 | The Paradise of the Holy Fathers Volume I edited by: Ernest A. Wallis Budge
The Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers being histories of the anchorites recluses monks coenobites and ascetic fathers of the deserts of Egypt between A. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Spirituality of Fasting by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
Fasting is an important topic for all, as almost all nations and religions practice some form of fasting. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Two Saints, Peter and Paul by: H. H. Pope Shenouda III
What were the points of resemblance, and the points of difference in their lives? and how God had chosen these two kinds for the building up of His kingdom?
Both are two apostles, and martyrs. Read more. Rating: None
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 | بستان الرهبان by: Fathers of the Coptic Church
The book of the Paradise of the Fathers in Arabic Rating: None
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